United States Election Assistance Comittee

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Contact the IG

Office of Inspector General
U.S. Election Assistance Commission
1201 New York Ave, NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20005 

Phone: 1-866-552-0004
Fax: 202-566-0957
Email: eacoig@eac.gov

Peer Review Reports

The Government Auditing Standards (GAS) require that audit organizations have a system of quality control and undergo an external peer review every three years.  In accordance with those standards, the OIG has developed and implemented a quality control policy and procedures to ensure that audits and attestation engagements are conducted in compliance with the GAS. 

The OIG is both subject to and conducts peer reviews of other Federal Offices of Inspector General.  Below is a copy of the most recent peer review report of the EAC OIG’s quality control process.


System Review Report on the U.S. Election Assistance Commission Office of Inspector General Organization


System Review Report and Comment Letter for the Audit Peer Review of the Election Assistance Commission’s Office of Inspector General