Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL


The detector design group, led by Yacouba Diawara is responsible for supporting the design of HFIR and SNS instruments by developing the necessary infrastructure and acquiring detector components that will be used to complete the functionality of the instruments. The group's mission also includes supporting detector research and development (R&D) for the various instruments and their different needs. The support effort for instrument design entails monitoring detector development worldwide as neutron facilities around the globe are getting upgraded and adopting the newest technologies.

Detector group technician Ted Visscher inspects a parahedreal lens on an Anger camera

Detector group technician Ted Visscher inspects a parahedreal lens on an Anger camera.

To be able to use and implement these new technologies, SNS and HFIR detector requirements are presented to the R&D community. Currently, the research focus is changing to spallation sources, with SNS now complete and the European Spallation Source and the Japan Spallation Neutron Source at J-PARC under development. Those three next-generation neutron scattering facilities will set the detector R&D agenda in the future. Therefore, it is important to support the detector selections for the instruments under design, review detector requirements for these instruments, and determine the best available detector options.

ORNL team wins R&D 100 award for wavelength-shifting scintillator detector