Upper level wind analysis from GOES water vapor winds

Robert Rabin



Winds are estimated from the automated satellite winds algorithm developed at the Cooperative Instutute of Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS), University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Sequences of three GOES-8 images (6.7 microns), separated by 30 minutes, are used to compute winds.

Most of the products shown here cover the U.S. CONUS and surrounding areas.  Images focused on the IHOP domain in Oklahoma and Kansas are available by clicking here.
Analyses available from the selections below include background water vapor imagery with user selectable overlays of:

1. Wind vectors and associated mid-layer pressure levels (based on the observed radiance and vertical weighting function):

        black: 100-250 mb,  cyan: 251-350 mb,  yellow 351-500 mb

2. Objectively analyzed fields at 300 hPa (based on available wind vectors and background field from global forecast model NOGAPS):

 Java based applications used for interactive animations were developed by Tom Whittaker of the Space Science and Engineering Center  SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison.  The animations can take a while to load, depending on network speed, computer systems, etc. Also, there can be a problem viewing these on certain machines (Macs).


  Interactive Loops: Previous 3 hours (30 minute intervals)
 Winds, divergence, relative vorticity, isotachs
 Winds, divergence, absolute vorticity, isotachs 
Satellite analysis versus NOGAPS (first guess)
Satellite analysis versus RUC-2
 Relative Vorticity 
 Relative Vorticity 
 Wind Speed 
 Wind Speed 


Long Interactive Loops: Caution: The following interactive loops demand a large amount computer memory & high speed data links
6 Hour Loops: 30 minute interval
24 Hour Loops: hourly interval
 0015-0545 UTC 
 0015-2315 UTC 
 0615-1145 UTC 
 0045-2345 UTC 
 1215-1745 UTC 

 1815-2345 UTC 

Height of Wind Vectors (middle pressure level of layer where winds are valid).  Overlays of 500, 300, 150 mb analyses.  Previous 3 hours.
Wind speed

Noteworthy cases:
 24-25 January 2000: Eastcoast 
 26-27 January 2000: Oklahoma 

 Life Cycle of Long-Lived MCS (20 July 1995) 
 03 May 1999 Oklahoma Tornado Outbreak 
 Salt Lake City Tornado: 11 August 1999 
 Mesoscale Systems (southern and northern Plains): 11 September 1999 


Rabin, R. M., S. F. Corfidi, J. C. Brunner, C. E Hane, 2004: Detecting winds aloft from water vapor satellite imagery in the vicinity of storms. Weather, 59, 251-257. Click here

Rabin, R.M., J. Brunner, C. Hane, J. Haynes: Water vapor winds in vicinity of convection and winter storms. P3.4. 11th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 15-18 October 2001, Madison, WI.  To view the extended abstract (as a pdf file) Click here.

        A more complete manuscript including an analysis of several convective cases is available by clicking here .


    Global winds: For real-time and archived data and more information on the satellite winds program at CIMSS see the "Tropical Cyclones Homepage":  Click here

Disclaimer. The products from GOES or other satellites shown here are experimental. These have been generated within a research environment and are not intended to be considered operational. Timeliness, availability, and accuracy are sought but not guaranteed.

Return to CIMSS (UW-Madison) or  NSSL (NOAA/NSSL).
Last update was 21 March 2002. Feedback.