Who We Are

The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center is the only global cyber intelligence sharing community solely focused on financial services. Serving financial institutions and in turn their customers, the organization leverages its intelligence platform, resiliency resources, and a trusted peer-to-peer network of experts to anticipate, mitigate and respond to cyber threats.

~ 7,000 financial institutions



What We Do



FS-ISAC shares among its members and trusted sources critical cyber-intelligence, and builds awareness through a robust offering of alerts, indicators, member insights, threat assessments and analysis.

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FS-ISAC leads multiple efforts to strengthen the financial system and aid in business restoration. This includes exercises, best practices, hands-on training and playbooks for rapid response.

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Through summits, meetings, webinars and communities of interest, FS-ISAC convenes a global peer-to-peer network of experts and practitioners from the private and public sectors to share critical information and best practices.

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FS-ISAC helps Mastercard keep payments and our network safe and secure. In addition to providing world-class cyber-intelligence and services, we gain access to a rich set of working groups along with the opportunity to collaborate with others in the cyber community.”

Ron Green - Executive Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer, Mastercard

Against the backdrop of increasingly complex and sophisticated cyber-attacks, it is even more important for countries to stay engaged, foster stronger relationships and exchange information and expertise freely. The Centre’s operations and the regional intelligence reports it produces will help Asia Pacific countries to deal better with cross-border cybercrimes.”

Sopnendu Mohanty - Chief Fintech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore

FS-ISAC is relevant because cyber has no borders. It’s not a US, UK, European or an Asia Pacific issue, it’s a global problem and we need to collaborate globally.”

Tracy Watts - Manager of Cyber Threat, Lloyds Banking Group

FS-ISAC is relevant today because, whilst information sharing has been a common practice within our community, doing it across borders, geographies and industry verticals is critical."

Dr. Martijn Dekker - Managing Director, CISO, ABN AMRO Bank

Upcoming Events

EWS84-Ready or Not: Security & Digital Transformation United Kingdom & Ireland (RIR) Regional Intel Roundtable 3 EWS85-How BEC Threat Landscape is Evolving EWS86-Incredible Email Hacks You'll Never Expect EWS87-Stop Attacker Movement and Stop Ransomware


Microsoft & FS-ISAC Join Forces to Fight Ransomware 

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