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Life Stories: A Chance to Be Just Like Other Children

Khalieghya Dandie-Evans Khalieghya Dandie-Evans

Liver Recipient: Emeryville, CA

As an infant, Khalieghya Dandie-Evans was diagnosed with biliary atresia, meaning she had a blockage in the tubes that carried bile from her liver to her gallbladder. Doctors performed the Kasai Procedure to connect the bile ducts together; however, the surgery was unsuccessful. It soon became clear that baby Khalieghya needed a liver transplant to survive.

Khalieghya was put on the national transplant waiting list for a liver, but her mother worried that she might get bumped by a case considered more severe. Khalieghya was five months old when her family received word that they had found a liver match. Khalieghya's mother was amazed that another family was able to see through their own grief and make a decision to donate their child's organs.

“What an amazing gift that mother would give to me and my family. I will be forever grateful.”

— Khalieghya Dandie-Evans's mother

Khalieghya is just like other kids. She plays, runs, sings, dances, spins, jumps, hugs, kisses, loves people, goes outdoors, and takes only one small dose of anti-rejection medication twice a day.

Khalieghya's story is courtesy of California Transplant Donor Network, Oakland, CA.


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