
Industrial Hygiene

What is Industrial Hygiene?
Industrial hygiene is the science of keeping people safe at work and in their communities. Industrial hygiene is considered a "science", but it is also an art that involves judgment, creativity and human interaction.

Industrial hygienists are scientists and engineers committed to protecting the health and safety of people in the workplace and the community. They play a vital part in ensuring that federal, state, and local laws and regulations are followed in the work environment.

Industrial Hygiene

Health Hazard Inventories - An on-site visit to evaluate all potential health hazards in the workplace to prevent occupational injury or illness. Includes the survey of equipment and operational procedures, collection of samples, and preparation of a report indicating the presence or absence of hazards. Recommends more detailed study if required.

Industrial Hygiene Studies - A major on-site visit to solve a known problem. Includes a more detailed inspection, evaluation, and sample collection, and a more extensive effort by the consultants involved. The report contains detailed guidance for engineering or administrative control measures and/or recommendation for use of personal protective equipment.

Indoor Air Quality Surveys - The process of studying, evaluation, and control of indoor air issues related to temperature, humidity, odor, and cleanliness.

Ergonomic Assessments - An on-site visit to evaluate workplaces, environments, jobs, tasks, equipment, and process in relationship to human capabilities and interactions for the prevention of ergonomic injury. The organizations Ergonomics Program is reviewed for effectiveness.

Ventilation Surveys - Evaluations of existing exhaust and supply ventilation systems in the workplace to assess effectiveness to control or reduce potential employee exposure to hazardous chemicals. Examples include welding, operating rooms, battery shop, paint booth and vehicle exhaust system.

Facility Design Reviews - The provision of professional engineering and technical advice concerning Occupational Health and Safety aspects of modernization, expansion, or new construction of U.S. Army facilities during concept, design, and construction phases. Includes recommendations for improvement or preparation of a report as appropriate.

Hearing Conservation Studies - The most desirable hearing conservation measure is reducing noise levels at their source and eliminating harmful health effects. Noise hazardous operations are evaluated and identified enrolled into the Army hearing Conservation Program.

Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Guidance - Hazards evaluation of the workplace is conducted to determine personal protective clothing and equipment (PPCE) requirement. A program evaluation is performed to ensure PPCE users are training on use, care and limitations of the equipment.


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