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Methods Development Group

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divider Michael Loomis
(925) 422-0364




MDG offers general animation and video production services to on-site customers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Using the MDG post-processor GRIZ and Alias MAYA animation software, visually compelling presentations can be created to help visualize technical ideas or data.

To learn more about how Livermore scientists and engineers are using animation capabilities to visualize advanced technologies and concepts, read "Animation Brings Science to Life."

A sampling of recent animation productions or subjects ranging from lasers to earthquakes to biomechanics are offered below.

Quicktime Animations:
mdg_audm_movie sensornet_movie nif_lower_level_movie
Adaptive Urban Dispersion Modeling (116 MB) Sensor Network Scenario (135 MB) National Ignition Facility, Lower Level (3.2 MB)
sf_oakland_bridge_movie nif_intro_movie nif_mor_to_preamps_movie  
San Francisco-Oakland Bridge (27.8 MB) National Ignition Facility Intro (2.8 MB) National Ignition Facility, MOR to Preamps (2.9 MB)  
nif_4target_movie nif_final_movie earthquake_movie

Earthquake Faults:

National Ignition Facility, Target (3.6 MB) National Ignition Facility, Final (1.1 MB)

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NNSA Department of Energy
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue • Livermore, CA 94550
Operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration

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