Established in October 1999 and housed within the Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the ASC Institute for Terascale Simulation (ITS) sponsors in-house research and collaborative research with academia in areas of computer science, computational mathematics, and scientific computing relevant to the Stockpile Stewardship Program. It brings leading academicians and their students to LLNL on sabbaticals, summer visits, and short-term visits, to work with Laboratory researchers on the challenging problems of the Advanced Simulation and Computing Program.

The ITS currently concentrates on scalable numerical algorithms, parallel programming paradigms, and scientific data exploration -- all with an emphasis on scalability to tens of thousands of processors. Currently, the LLNL ITS consists of these thrusts:

The ITS also sponsors pan-project activities such as the

Coming soon!

  • ITS Summer Visitor Program
  • ITS Computer Science Fellowships