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The Allied Maritime Command Headquarters Northwood (MC Northwood) plays an important role in the day-to-day business of NATO. It is responsible for the production of the Recognised Maritime Picture, a strategic picture of the position of all naval ships and Task Forces in the Atlantic. In addition, it is responsible for the administration and programming of two of NATO's four standing naval forces, namely:

 Standing NATO Response Force Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1) and Standing NATO Response Force Mine Countermeasures Group1 (SNMCMG1), on behalf of Supreme Headquarters Allied Power Europe (SHAPE) as delegated through Commander Joint Force Command Brunssum. These Immediate Reaction Forces (IRFs) are on constant standby for real world operations, such as Operation ACTIVE ENDEAVOUR.

Under the scope of new Alliance initiatives, the unique position of the Headquarters in both NATO Strategic Commander (SC) chains of command, has made it a natural focus for maritime Partnership for Peace (PfP) activities at the operational level. As part of the 'PfP Enhancement' measures introduced at the NATO Summit in Madrid, a PfP Staff Element (PSE) was established at RHQ EASTLANT/ HQ NAVNORTH.

 The PSE comprised 3 NATO and 4 Partner officers and was fully integrated into the Headquarters staff. This involved the planning of exercises and the development of a structured approach to achieving interoperability with partner nations. Of course, this can only be achieved in unison with other headquarters. All of this generates a co-operative environment in which peace and stability can be more readily maintained.

Following the historic decision made at the NATO summit in Prague in November 2002 to invite seven new countries to join NATO: Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia were formally welcomed as full member nations of the Alliance at an accession ceremony at the NATO Headquarters, Atlantic Building on Friday 2 April 2004.