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USGS Hydroacoustics Work Group

The Hydroacoustic Work Group (HaWG) provides guidance to the Office of Surface Water (OSW) regarding the support for and development of hydroacoustics instrumentation for use in streamflow, velocity, depth, and other hydraulic and hydrologic measurements. This guidance often takes the form of advice regarding technical issues that need to be addressed, work priorities, and funding for hydroacoustics within the OSW. The HaWG also facilitates communication between OSW and hydroacoustics users. It has rotational, permanent, ad hoc, and cooperating agency members.  The rotational members serve 5-year terms.

Contact the HaWG

You may email the entire HaWG or individual work group members using the links and phone numbers provided below.

HaWG Members



Organizational Unit/Location


Rotational Members
Nick Stasulis Northeast Maine WSC, Augusta, ME 207-622-8201
Sonny Anderson
Southeast Florida WSC, Orlando, FL 407-803-5576
Jason McVay Midwest Iowa WSC, Iowa City, IA 319-358-3636
Jeff East Southwest, West Texas WSC, Houston, TX 936-271-5326
Molly Wood Northwest Idaho WSC, Boise, ID 208-387-1320
Brandy Armstrong Coastal and Marine Geology Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, MA 508-457-2256
Permanent Members
Kevin Oberg OSW
Urbana, IL 217-328-9739
David Mueller OSW
Louisville, KY
Mike Rehmel OSW
Indianapolis, IN
Adhoc Member
Elizabeth Hittle NWIS SW Users Group Pennsylvania WSC, Pittsburgh, PA 412-490-3805
Cooperating Agency Members
Jean-Francois Cantin Water Survey Canada Quebec City, Quebec 418-649-6565
Paul Campbell Water Survey Canada Ottawa, Ontario 613-992-7121
John Goodson South Florida Water Management District West Palm Beach, FL 561-682-2803
Jeff Woodward Saskatchewan Water Authority Regina, Saskatchewan 306-780-8071

Map Showing Areas of Responsibility

A map showing the distribution of current areas of responsibility for each rotational HaWG member is available.  Rotational members maintain a list of contacts in the science centers (SCs) within their areas and periodically share information with, or solicit information from, these SC contacts. 

HaWG Members Areas of Expertise

The following table is an incomplete listing of areas of expertise for HaWG members.  This information is provided as a guide to assist USGS users in obtaining assistance with different topics related to hydroacoustic instruments and applications.


Areas of Expertise

Nick Stasulis ADCP and ADV discharge measurements, Ice discharge measurements, SWAMI
Sonny Anderson
Tidal Flows, Index Velocity, ADCP discharge measurements
Jason McVay ADCP discharge measurements
Jeff East ADCP discharge measurements, Index Velocity
Molly Wood ADCP discharge measurements, Index Velocity, Sediment acoustics
Brandy Armstrong Marine measurements, Fixed deployment ADCPs
Kevin Oberg ADCP discharge measurements, Index Velocity, Velocity Mapping
David Mueller ADCP discharge measurements, Software development, Velocity Mapping and bathymetry, Flow modeling
Mike Rehmel ADV and ADCP discharge measurements
Elizabeth Hittle NWIS User Group, Index velocity, Coastal flows
Jean-Francois Cantin ADCP discharge measurements, Velocity Mapping, Flow modeling
Paul Campbell ADCP discharge measurements
John Goodson ADCP discharge measurements, Measurements near hydraulic structures
Jeff Woodward ADCP and ADV discharge measurements, Ice discharge measurements

HaWG Charter

The HaWG's charter describes the purpose, composition, and functions of the work group.