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USGS Hydroacoustic Mailing List and Forums

The USGS, Office of Surface Water (OSW) maintains a mailing list and the Hydroacoustic Community forum relating to the application of acoustic instruments and methods for measurement of streamflow, velocity, and other hydraulic parameters in rivers and estuaries. The mailing list and forum are used to share information about acoustic instruments, including policies, procedures, techniques, and new developments within the USGS and other agencies.

Hydroacoustics Forums

The Hydroacoustics Community forum is maintained by the USGS, OSW for sharing information regarding the application of acoustics to the measurement of streamflow, water velocity, and other hydraulic parameters. The forum is a USGS resource to educate, learn, and facilitate the exchange of information about applications involving a variety of hydroacoustic instruments including acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs), side-looking acoustic profilers, acoustic velocity meters (AVMs), and acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADVs). The forums are also used by the USGS to disseminate important information regarding quality assurance practices, training, and other matters.

Registration is required to access the forum. Detailed instructions on registering can be found at

Acoustics Mailing List

The acoustics mailing list is the primary means for disseminating up-to-date information regarding USGS policies, training classes, workshops, and new developments. A searchable archive of email messages sent to the acoustics mailing list is kept. This archive can be viewed chronologically or by author or subject. In order to post to the acoustics mailing list, it is necessary to first subscribe to the list. There are two ways to subscribe:

  1. Subscribe via your Web browser by going to the acoustics list information page. Complete the section of the form titled "Subscribing to Acoustics" and clicking on the "Subscribe" button.
  2. Send email to with the words "subscribe" and "end" on separate lines in the body of the email. A confirmation email will be sent to you once you are subscribed. Email postings to the list should then be addressed to