Frostbite Theater

Jefferson Lab Open House (2010)

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(Jefferson Lab Open House (2010))

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(Season Two Bloopers)

Season Two Bloopers

Season One Bloopers

Filming videos isn't as easy as it may seem. Mistakes happen. Often. Here is a sampling of what went wrong while filming our first set of experiments. Enjoy!

Announcer: Frostbite Theater presents... Cold Cuts! No baloney!

Joanna and Steve: Just science!

Joanna: Hi! I'm Joanna!

Steve: And I'm Steve!

Joanna: I hope you've enjoyed watching this first set of videos that we've put together. Now, as surprising as it may seem, things don't always go quite as we expect them to. So, if you enjoy watching people mess up their lines...

Steve: ...or things not working as they should.

Joanna: Yeah. I hope you'll enjoy watching this blooper reel we've put together.


Joanna: Hi! I'm Joanna!

Steve: And I'm Steve!

Joanna: I hope you've enjoyed watching this first set of videos... No?

Steve: By golly! I'm Steve!

Joanna: Yes!


Joanna: Hi! I'm Joanna! I'm Steve!


Joanna: Hi! I'm Joanna!

Steve: NO!!! I'M JOANNA!!!


Joanna: The fancy term that scientists use is "independent variable" or, "manipulatable variable."


What... is going... on!

Greg: Why'd you quit?

Steve: Manipulated.

Joanna: Man-ip-u-lat-ed variable. Oh, my gosh!

Greg: Manipulated variable. Oh, okay.

Joanna: What did I say?

Steve: Manipulatable.

Joanna: Manipulated!

Steve: You didn't say "Cavalieri" so that's, that's at least good.

Joanna: Manipulated variable! Oh, my gosh!


Steve: Since the stopper is made out of rubber, rubber isn't a very good... gah!


Joanna: Let's see what happens when we trap the liquid liquid nitrogen inside...

Steve: Start over!

Joanna: Yeah.


Steve: Happily, we don't need to cool it down to liquid to... gah!


Steve: Oxysen behaves... gah!


Steve: That's a fancy way of saying that each molecule of oxygen is attracted to a manets magnetic...


Steve: That's a fancy way of saying that each molecule of oxygen is attracted to a manets... grrah!

I cannot get that final one!

I want this test tube.

Joanna: He's been saving it for this test tube.

Steve: It's the test tube's fault.


Steve: When a gas boils... when a liquid boils and changes to a gas.


Joanna: So, we'll be able to see, that, which when the water's in the cup, whichever one doesn't... Start again?



Steve: So, if we put our magnet back on the disk... it falls in!


Joanna: When liquid nitrogen boils, it expands by about 700 times! Eventually, the pressure in the film canister...

Canister: Pop!

Joanna: ...will get so great...

Canister: Pop!

Steve: There!

Joanna: ...that the lids will pop off!


Steve: So, if we put our magnet back on the disk...


Steve: So, now the reverse is happening. The table's hot and it's making the liquid air inside boil. And when a liquid boils and changes to a gas, the particles move faster, they take up more space, and the balloon gets big again!

Joanna: That's right!


Steve: So, if we put our magnet back on the disk...


Joanna: Thanks for watching! I hope you'll join us again soon for another experiment!

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