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This section provides users with information about national strategies relating to law enforcement intelligence, including information and intelligence sharing. Links in this section include the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan, Fusion Center Guidelines, and the Global Justice XML Data Model. These links are meant to provide information on the current information sharing strategies affecting law enforcement, including the identification of relevant national strategies and how to implement these strategies at a law enforcement agency.

Content Type: External Link

Unified Message This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF document

This Unified Message document, issued in April 2012, was created to help clarify a unified approach to the process of reporting and sharing of information related to suspicious activity.

Fact Sheet: Safeguarding the U.S. Government's Classified Information and Networks This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF document

National Strategy for Counterterrorism This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF document

A formal counterterrorism strategy released by the White House focuses on goals of the United States in its efforts to defeat the Al Qaeda terrorist network as well as principles the nation will embrace while working toward those goals.

Content Type: External Link

National Strategy for Information Sharing

The Strategy was developed with the understanding that homeland security information, terrorism information, and law enforcement information related to terrorism can come from multiple sources and all levels of government, as well as from private sector organizations and foreign sources. Federal, state, local, and tribal government organizations use such information for multiple purposes. In addition to traditional law enforcement uses, such information is used to (1) support efforts to prevent terrorist attacks; (2) develop critical infrastructure protection and resilience plans; (3) prioritize emergency management, response, and recovery planning activities; (4) devise training and exercise programs, and (5) determine the allocation of funding and other resources for homeland security-related purposes. Issued October 2007.

Content Type: External Link

National Strategy for Homeland Security

An updated National Strategy for Homeland Security will serve to guide, organize, and unify our nation's homeland security efforts. It builds on the first National Strategy for Homeland Security, issued in July 2002, and complements both the National Security Strategy issued in March 2006 and the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism issued in September 2006. It reflects the increased understanding of the threats confronting the United States, incorporates lessons learned from exercises and real-world catastrophes, and articulates how to ensure our long-term success by strengthening the homeland security foundation. Issued October 2007.

An Overview of the United States Intelligence Community This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF document

The document An Overview of the United States Intelligence Community, published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, examines the roles and responsibilities of the intelligence community partners, including intelligence agencies, military, and other government agencies.

Content Type: External Link

National Infrastructure Protection Plan

The National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), published by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, provides the unifying structure, processes, and mechanisms for the integration of existing and future critical infrastructure and key resources (CI/KR) protection efforts into a single national program. The NIPP discusses the roles and responsibilities of the security partners, risk-management framework, organizational structures and partnerships needed, how CI/KR is part of the Homeland Security mission, and how to ensure an effective, efficient long-term program and provide the required resources for the CI/KR protection program.

Information Sharing Environment Implementation Plan This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF document

The Information Sharing Environment Implementation Plan (ISE Implementation Plan) is a product of the requirements outlined in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. The ISE Implementation Plan describes the intended actions planned by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence for a future information sharing environment (ISE). The ISE Implementation Plan addresses the intended goals of the ISE, outlines the two-phased implementation approach, highlights the major information sharing challenges, and includes the conclusions and recommendations of the Office of the Program Manager Information Sharing Environment (PM–ISE). Included in this document is a description of how the PM–ISE will use the ISE Implementation Plan to manage the ISE. The recommendations cited will impact intelligence operations at all levels in the United States.

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Content Type: External Link

National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan Overview

The National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP), the first of its kind in the country, provides a blueprint to help agencies establish criminal intelligence sharing policies, procedures, standards, technologies, and training. The Plan was assembled with close input and cooperation from local, state, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies, and it has been endorsed by numerous national law enforcement organizations. Implementation of NCISP will provide law enforcement agencies with the ability to gather, analyze, protect, and share information and intelligence to identify, investigate, prevent, deter, and defeat the perpetrators of criminal and terrorist activities, both domestically and internationally.

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Fusion Center Guidelines This is an Adobe Acrobat PDF document

The document Fusion Center Guidelines addresses the development of guidelines for fusion centers as well as the foundation for the development of fusion center guidelines for law enforcement intelligence, public safety, and private sector entities. These guidelines and related materials will provide assistance to centers as they prioritize and address threats posed in their specific jurisdictions for all crime types, including terrorism, and guide administrators in developing policies, managing resources, and evaluating services. The fusion process supports the implementation of risk-based, information-driven prevention, response, and consequence management programs as well as efforts to address immediate and/or emerging threat-related circumstances and events. The document also defines fusion centers and explains that the principal role of fusion centers is to compile, blend, analyze, and disseminate criminal intelligence and other information (including, but not limited to, threat assessment, public safety, law enforcement, public health, social service, and public works) to support efforts to anticipate, identify, prevent, and/or monitor criminal activity.

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Content Type: External Link

Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global)

The Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) aims to develop and implement a standards-based electronic information exchange capability, providing the justice community with timely, accurate, complete, and accessible information in a secure and trusted environment. Global operates under the auspices of the Office of Justice Programs (OJP), U.S. Department of Justice. Global advises the federal government, specifically through the Assistant Attorney General, OJP, and the U.S. Attorney General, on justice information sharing and integration initiatives. Global is a "group of groups," representing more than 30 independent organizations, spanning the spectrum of law enforcement, judicial, correctional, and related bodies. Member organizations participate in Global out of shared responsibility and shared belief that, together, they can bring about positive change in interorganizational communication and data sharing.

Content Type: External Link

National Information Exchange Model

The Web site,, is a free access Web site designed to give practitioners a place to find information sharing and technology-integration resources. The Web site is specifically designed to serve the justice and public safety communities. The Web site offers ways to access information and aims to assist practitioners as they search to find needed information.

Content Type: External Link

Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM)

This Web site discusses the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative (Global) Justice Extensible Markup Language (XML) Data Model (Global JXDM), which is a comprehensive product that includes a data model, a data dictionary, and an XML schema. The Global JXDM is an XML standard designed specifically for criminal justice information exchanges, providing law enforcement, public safety agencies, prosecutors, public defenders, and the judicial branch with a tool to effectively share data and information in a timely manner. Today, more than 50 law enforcement and justice-related projects have been implemented utilizing the Global JXDM.

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