How NASA Studies Land

How NASA Studies Land

NASA missions collect data about the movement of Earth's crust as well as its composition at the surface.

  • Using data about the Earth's crust, scientists develop or refine theories about how our planet has changed in the past. They try to determine the patterns that might predict future changes.
  • Using data about the Earth's surface, they develop or refine theories about how changes in land use affect the amount of forest and grassland, the quality of the soil, and other elements that support plant and animal life on our planet. They try to predict the results of trends in land use and determine which trends might be harmful.
NASA missions are carefully designed to test many of these theories. The scientists also share what they learn, so that we can understand more about the phases of life on our planet. This helps us understand the kinds of life that specific habitats can support, and the way our land use affects the planet as a whole.

Over the next 15 years, an international program called EOS will monitor climate and environmental change on Earth. The leading satellite in this program is called Terra. From Terra will come data for new research about how Earth's lands, oceans, air, ice, and life function as a total environmental system

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Color Me!
Differences in color tell you a lot about the data NASA is collecting about the Earth. Try your hand at coloring these ESE pictures. (You will need a Java enabled browser to color on-line.).

Updated: February 19, 2009