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Responding to a Request for Additional Information(RFAI)

Image of Request for Additional Information

What is an RFAI?

When a Campaign Finance Analyst identifies an error, omission, need for additional clarification or possible prohibited activity, a Request for Additional Information (RFAI) is sent to the committee/filer. The RFAI affords the committee/filer an opportunity to correct or clarify the public record, if necessary.

How long to I have to respond to an RFAI?

Filers are given 35 days from the date of the letter to respond. A response due date is located on the upper right hand corner of the RFAI.

How are RFAIs sent?

RFAIs are sent via email to those committees who have provided a valid email address on their Statement of Organization (FEC Form 1). If you would prefer to receive RFAIs on paper, please file a miscellaneous document (FEC Form 99 for electronic filers) to indicate this preference.

Why did I get an RFAI?

RAD adheres to an internal review policy, approved by the Commission, in determining whether to send an RFAI.  RAD applies this policy and its established thresholds to all committees on a per report basis.  This means a committee may receive an RFAI questioning an issue that the committee has already addressed in response to an RFAI sent on another report. For more information on the RAD Review Process, see our Overview of the RAD Review Process [PDF].

Can I get an extension?

No. The Commission establishes a response date of 35 days from the mail date of the letter.  This response date applies to all committees whenever an RFAI is issued and cannot be changed or negotiated.

I missed my deadline for an RFAI.  What do I do?

RAD recommends that you respond as soon as possible.  Contact your analyst for assistance.

If I have any questions, how do I contact my analyst?

The name of your analyst and his/her contact information is in the last paragraph of the letter. If you have any questions or concerns about how to respond adequately, contact your analyst as soon as possible.

What happens if I do not respond or respond late to an RFAI?

We encourage you to respond timely to all RFAIs. Failure to do so could result in further Commission action, as RAD's internal review policy includes thresholds for referral to the FEC's Office of General Counsel, Alternative Dispute Resolution Office, Audit Division and Administrative Fines Program. Please contact your campaign finance analyst to find out if your committee has pending RFAIs or check the Advanced Image Search.

How do I know if I responded correctly to the RFAI?

Time constraints will not allow RAD to follow up on amendments or responses submitted to an RFAI.   We encourage you to contact your analyst to discuss any clarification you may need regarding the adequacy of your response.  You will only receive a follow up RFAI if your amendment raised new discrepancies.

I misplaced my RFAI.  Can I get another copy?

Yes, you can view and print the RFAI from the Commission’s website.  In addition, all reports and submissions filed by committees registered with the FEC are available on the website's Advanced Image Search.

What constitutes an adequate or inadequate purpose for a disbursement?  Is there a list to help me?

When itemizing disbursements on Schedule B, the itemization should include a brief but specific description of why the disbursement was made.  The intent is that any member of the public can look at the purpose and easily understand the meaning.  For that reason, vague terms like “consulting,” “professional services” and “materials” are not sufficient.

For more information, please consult:

What is “Best Efforts” and how do I establish Best Efforts?

Best Efforts is the demonstration that your committee has actively tried to acquire and report information concerning your contributors' names, addresses, and employer/occupation.

To establish best efforts your committee must meet the following guidelines (see 11 CFR 104.7):

For more information, please consult:

I need to amend a report; do I need to file all subsequent reports?

If there is a change in your amended report, i.e. increased or decreased activity that affects your cash on hand, aggregate or election cycle to date figures, you must also amend any subsequent reports affected by the change. If you are an electronic filer using the FECFile software, the program will automatically generate amendments for all subsequent reports to be uploaded.

For more information, please consult:

I received an RFAI referencing a report filed with the paper FEC forms.  However, I now file electronically.   How do I amend the paper report?

Because the report was originally submitted on the paper forms, it should be amended using the paper forms.

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