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2012 Summer Colloquium
on Data Assimilation

Santa Fe, New Mexico
July 24 - August 3, 2012

Sponsored by the JCSDA

Colloquium Topics

The following topics were covered during the Colloquium:

  • Data assimilation fundamentals including variational and ensemble techniques
  • Satellite data applications including infrared and microwave
  • Overview of atmospheric, ocean, and land data assimilation
  • Overview of the global observing system
  • Career Opportunities – Research and Operational; Agency/Academic/Private

photo: New Mexico near Santa Fe


The Colloquium was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the southwestern United States.


List of Colloquium Lecturers with Bios and Presentations

Dr. James Yoe, NOAA/NWS/NCEP, Bio
Overview of JCSDA
The Road Not Taken
Dr. Lars Peter Riishojgaard, JCSDA, Bio
The Global Observing System
Developments in Satellite Observations
Dr. Ronald M. Errico, NASA/GSFC, Bio
Design and Validation of Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSEs)
The General Data Assimilation Problem
Issues Regarding the Assimilation of Precipitation Observations
Dr. John Derber, NOAA/NCEP/EMC, Bio
Quality Control
Atmospheric Data Assimilation at NCEP/EMC
Dr. Nancy L. Baker, Navy/NRL, Bio
NRL Satellite Assimilation Activities
Adjoint-Based Diagnostics for Evaluating the Impact of Observations
Dr. Tom Rosmond, Navy/NRL, Bio
Computational Issues and Considerations for DA
Dr. Christopher D. Barnet, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Bio
Infrared Radiative Transfer and Atmospheric Remote Sounding
Dr. Fuzhong Weng, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Bio
Principle of Microwave Radiometry
Microwave Remote Sensing: Theory, Algorithm and Applications
Fundamentals of Radiative Transfer in the Earth's Atmosphere
Dr. Yong Chen, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Bio
The Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM)
Dr. Rolf Langland, Navy/NRL, Bio
Overview of Adaptive Observing
Introduction to Adjoint Methods in Meteorology
Dr. Craig H. Bishop, Navy/NRL, Bio
Background Error Covariance Modeling Part 1
Background Error Covariance Modeling Part 2
Dr. Hans Huang, NCAR Bio
Regional 4D-Var
Dr. Eugenia Kalnay, University of Maryland, Bio
Introduction to Data Assimilation and Least Squares Methods
Recent Advances in EnKF
Dr. Milija Zupanski,Colorado State University Bio
Ensemble Data Assimilation for Hurricanes
Ensemble Data Assimilation of All-Sky-Radiances in TC Inner Core
Dr. Robert N. Miller, Oregon State University , Bio
Ocean Data Assimilation
Dr. Kayo Ide, University of Maryland, Bio
Ocean Data Quality Control [and Assimilation]
Modified November 1, 2012 3:11 PM
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