Intelligence Electronic WarfareTesters on IEWTD event


U.S. Army Operational Test Command
Hayes Hall, Bldg 80706, ATTN:  TEOT-IE
Fort Huachuca, Arizona  85613-7000
Phone:  520.538.8813 DSN 879 
  E-mail:  IEWTD


The mission of the Intelligence Electronic Warfare Test Directorate is to plan, conduct, and report on assigned mission-based operational tests, assessments and experiments of intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), electronic warfare (EW), counter improvised explosive device (CIED), and biometric systems in order to provide essential information for the acquisition and fielding of systems in support of the US Army, Joint Service, and National Agency customers.  IEWTD also provides threat and ISR modeling, simulation, and instrumentation (MS&I) support for internal and external test events.



An IEWTD that contributes to the Army's success on current and future battlefields by conducting realistic, objective mission-based operational tests and experiments on intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, electronic warfare, counter improvised explosive device, and biometric systems, equipment and doctrine using state-of-the-art technology.  IEWTD is driven to excellence by a professional military and civilian workforce motivated by a commitment to the American Soldier of the 21st century.


Who We Are

bulletThe Army's independent operational test directorate for intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (ISR), electronic warfare (EW), counter improvised explosive device (CIED), and biometric (BM) systems.

bulletThe Intelligence Systems Integration Laboratory (ISIL)--a state-of-the-art facility that for the conduct of operational tests, experiments, demonstrations, training, and other distributed activities in a collaborative secure environment.

bulletAn organizational structure task organized and resourced to plan and conduct independent mission-based operational tests of ISR, EW, CIED, and BM systems and their associated ground and airborne platforms, network environments, and intelligence processing systems.


What We Do

bulletProvide robust live, virtual, and constructive synthetic operational test environments employing validated threat models and simulations under realistic battlefield conditions to test present and future systems.

bulletConduct operational assessments at worldwide locations to support rapid acquisition initiatives, the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Organization (JIEDDO), and the Warfighter's urgent needs.

bulletDevelop validated intelligence and threat modeling and simulation tools.

bulletProvide fully instrumented threat systems, dynamic realistic operational scenarios and automated data extraction tools to measure system performance under test conditions.

bulletTest the performance, effectiveness, suitability, and survivability of systems under mission-type scenarios.