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Marine Combat Training Battalion

School of Infantry - West

Camp Pendleton, CA
Marine Combat Training Battalion

“Marine Combat Training Battalion, SOI (W) trains all entry-level, non-infantry Marines on the basic infantry skills and knowledge required of a combat rifleman in order to prepare them for the operating forces.”

MCT General Information
Marine Combat Training Battalion consists of a 29-day course in which entry-level Marines are taught the common skills needed in combat. While at Marine Combat Training Battalion every Marine will learn the basics of combat marksmanship, grenades, M203 Grenade Launcher, AT-4 Rocket Launcher, M240B Medium Machine Gun, Improvised Explosive Devices, defensive fundamentals, convoy operations, offensive fundamentals, patrolling, Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT), tactical communications, Combat Hunter, M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, and land navigation. They will also undergo combat conditioning through the use of obstacle courses, conditioning hikes, combat fitness runs, and the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP). Upon completion of Marine Combat Training every Marine will have the knowledge and ability to successfully operate in a combat environment as a basic rifleman.

Links and Documents

Training Calendar
Graduation Information
Military Occupational School (MOS) Information
MCT Informational Brief


Sergeant Major K.S. McCants
Sergeant Major, Marine Combat Training Battalion

Lieutenant Colonel Kyle M. Stoddard
Commanding Officer, Marine Combat Training Battalion