DataQs Logo A system to record and monitor data challenges to motor carrier data FMCSA logo, Links to Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
DataQs Help

What is DataQs?

What is Unvalidated Motor Carrier?

What Capabilities do I have?

Who Can Enter Data Challenges?

How is DataQs Organized?

How do I...

DataQs Flow Chart (How challenges go through the DataQs system)

Scenario Examples (opens to same window):

What is DataQs?

The FMCSA DataQs system is an electronic means for filing concerns about Federal and State data released to the public by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Through this system, data concerns are automatically forwarded to the appropriate office for resolution. The system also allows filers to monitor the status of each filing.

The system does not require any changes in Federal or State procedures for resolving data quality challenges, but will simplify the existing process and provide a mechanism to better track these data challenges.

Specifically, the DataQs system:

  • Provides an Internet web site to accept data quality challenges and supporting documentation (fax and/or file upload capability)
  • Acknowledges receipt of data quality challenges
  • Notifies FMCSA and/or State personnel when data quality challenges are received
  • Accepts FMCSA and/or State postings and responses related to data quality challenges
  • Provides automated notification capability including receipt of input and status changes
  • Provides reporting capability based on pre-set parameters
  • Tracks data quality challenges from submission through resolution
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What is Unvalidated Motor Carrier?

'Unvalidated Motor Carrier' means that your DataQs profile information is missing your FMCSA provided Personal Identification Number (PIN). Update your profile (see How do I Edit/Update my Profile?) with your motor carrier PIN to become a 'Validated Motor Carrier'.

Click here to request your PIN (see How do I determine my Motor Carrier PIN?).

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What Capabilities do I have?

DataQs provides users with a web-based system to enter and respond to data quality challenges.  There are five levels of users in the system:  general public, commercial drivers, motor carriers, FMCSA/State agency level users, and FMCSA administrative level users.  Each level of user has different capabilities as follows:

General Public Users, Commercial Drivers, & Motor Carriers:

  • Enter data quality challenges into the DataQs system
  • View data challenges that they have entered into DataQs
  • Review status of their challenge on the website
  • Review supporting documentation uploaded or faxed into the system
  • Receive email notification when items are posted or there is a change of status for their data challenge(s)
  • Add additional information to a challenge via response screen, file upload, or fax
  • Generate printer friendly reports of their data challenges

FMCSA/State Agency Users:

  • All the capabilities of a General Public User
  • Receive email notification when items are posted for their organization or there is a change of status for their organization's data challenges
  • Review challenges identified for resolution by their organization
  • Review supporting documentation submitted by the requestor
  • Request additional information from the requestor
  • Review all challenges for their state*
  • Download formal response letter templates for customization to specific data challenge
  • Post status changes/responses to data quality challenges
  • Post notes to data quality challenges
  • Forward data challenges to other organizations for resolution

*(This capability is available to FMCSA Division Offices Only. It is available to allow FMCSA to better assist State Agencies resolve data issues.)

FMCSA Administrative Level  Users (FMCSA HQ and support staff):

  • All the capabilities of a FMCSA/State Agency User
  • Ability to view all data challenges entered into DataQs
  • Ability to revise the DataQs system based on feedback from users
  • Ability to manage user accounts
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Who Can Enter Data Challenges?

Any user can enter data challenges into the system including: general public users, commercial drivers, motor carriers, FMCSA/State Agency users, and FMCSA Administrative level users.

When a data challenge is entered into DataQs, the system will forward the challenge to an organization based on the type of challenge and the location information provided when collecting detailed challenge information. DataQs will then send an email notification to that organization.

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How is DataQs Organized?

When you log into the DataQs system you will see the DataQs default home page. This page provides access to all functional areas of DataQs via top-level and mid-level navigation, displays user profile information, and lists the data challenges the user has access rights to.

DataQs Organization - Displays the home page of DataQs after login.

Top-Level Navigation

The top-level navigation appears as tabs on all DataQs web pages and allows access to:

  • Data Challenge Guidelines - provides an overview of data challenge types
  • Enter/List Data Challenge - DataQs Home Page (Enter/List Data Challenge)
  • Reports - contains a list of available reports. This list is dependent on the level of the user
  • Response Letter Templates* - Microsoft Word templates for formal response letters. 

 *(This tab is visible to FMCSA/State Agency Users and FMCSA Administrative level users.)

Mid-Level Navigation

Mid-level navigation appears on all web pages under the 'Enter/List Data Challenge' Tab (DataQs home page). Mid-level navigation buttons displayed are:

  • List Challenges - links to the DataQs homepage (Enter/List Data Challenge)
  • Add a Challenge - add a new challenge into the DataQs system
  • Request an Inspection Report - request a copy of an inspection report
  • Edit Profile - update your user profile
  • Change Password - change your password

User Profile Information

The user profile information is displayed just below the mid-level navigation tabs.  The information can be updated by selecting the 'Edit Profile' button listed above the Requestor Profile information.

Filters for Sorting Data Challenge List

The data challenge list can be filtered to display the challenges that match filter selection. The fields available for filter selection will depend on the user's access rights. The fields available for a users access level are listed below under Data Challenge List. Filters can also be saved from session to session by selecting the 'Save Filter' button.

A saved filter will automatically be applied when a user logs into the DataQs system. When a saved filter is applied the following text will appear to the left of the filter selection options: SAVED FILTER-APPLIED.

The saved filter will be applied at each log in until the 'Clear Saved Filter' button is selected.

NOTE:  For Saved Filters to take affect the user's browser must be set to enable the use of cookies.

Data Challenge List

The data challenge list is displayed below the user profile information. The data challenges that appear in the list will depend on the user's access rights and the filtering options selected by the user.

General Public users, Commercial Drivers, and Non-Validated Motor Carrier users see:

Validated Motor Carrier users see:

FMCSA/State Agency Level Users see:

FMCSA Administrative Level Users see:

Columns that appear in the data challenge list are dependent on user access level. Items included in the listing are:

  1. Challenge ID - Unique DataQs assigned identifier. Click on this ID to view challenge details.
  2. Company Name - Identifies the motor carrier or company the data challenge references.
  3. U.S. DOT # * - Identifies the motor carrier by U.S. DOT registration number.
  4. State ** - The state where the event being challenged occurred.
  5. Date Entered - Date the challenge was first entered into DataQs.
  6. Forwarded To - Short name of the organization that the challenge is currently assigned to. This can be the organization that DataQs initially forwarded the challenge to at challenge entry or another organization that the challenge was transferred to.
  7. Status - Current status of the challenge.
    • Open - Challenge has been entered into the system.  It has not yet been viewed by an FMCSA/State Agency.
    • Open - In Review - Challenge has been viewed by an FMCSA/State Agency and the challenge is in review.
    • Open - Pending Requestor Response - Challenge has been reviewed and is waiting for additional information to be provided.
    • Forwarded to another office for resolution - Either the State Agency has reviewed the challenge and is requesting assistance from another agency or the requestor has changed the type of the challenge.  If FMCSA assistance is required, the challenge must be forwarded to the appropriate FMCSA Agency by the State Agency requesting assistance.
    • Closed - No Action Taken - Challenge has been closed and no action will be taken based on the challenge.
    • Closed - Action Taken - Challenge has been closed and action will be taken to correct the data deficiency.

  8. Archived - Indicates if the challenge is an archived challenge when the column contains a 'Y'. If this column is blank, the challenge is not an archived challenge.
  9. Last Update - Date of last update for the challenge. If this column is blank the challenge was entered into the system and no responses or documentation have been added for this challenge.
  10. Last Division Office Contact* - Identifies the last date an FMCSA Division Office has contacted the agency responsible for this challenge. The number of contacts is displayed in parenthesis.
  11. Challenge Type - Identifies the type of data challenge entered.
  12. Respond Button - A link to enter a response for the identified challenge.   You can also access the response screen from the detailed view of a data challenge.
  13. Add Docs Button - A link to obtain information about uploading or faxing supporting documentation for the identified challenge.
  14. Docs (Y/N/A) - A 'Y' for Yes indicates that supporting documentation exists in DataQs for the identified challenge and is a hyperlink to a documentation list. An 'N' for No indicates that no supporting documentation exists in DataQs for the identified challenge. An 'A' for Archived indicates that supporting documentation has been archived for this challenge - all documentation provided for a challenge entered more than two calendar years ago have been archived and is only available through a request to the system administrators at

    * This column is only visible to State, FMCSA, and administrative level users.
    ** This column is only visible to administrative level users.
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How do I Register for DataQs?

All users are required to register with the DataQs system. By default, new users are assigned General Public access rights.

General Public Users are required to fill out the online registration form found by clicking the "Register Online" button on the login page. After filling out the form, clicking Submit will bring you back to the login page where you can enter your username and password to access the system.

Commercial Drivers are required to fill out the online registration form found by clicking the "Register Online" button on the login page and selecting "Commercial Driver" under the Organization Type selection. After filling out the form, clicking Submit will bring you back to the login page where you can enter your username and password to access the system.

Motor Carriers are required to fill out the online registration form found by clicking the "Register Online" button on the login page. After filling out the form, clicking Submit will bring you back to the login page where you can enter your username and password to access the system.  Motor Carriers may get additional information not available to General Public users through DataQs by obtaining a 'validated' status.  To obtain a validated Motor Carrier status, motor carriers must enter their FMCSA provided Personal Identification Number (PIN).  Sixty days of temporary validation can be obtained by faxing a request letter on company letterhead that is signed by an official of the company to (617) 494-2892.

State or Federal Agency level users must complete and submit the FMCSA Information Technology Account Request Form.  This Form is available from FMCSA's Technical Support Website at  Once on this site access the form via the Technical Support Tab.

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How do I Determine my Motor Carrier Personal Identification Number (PIN)?

All motor carriers are assigned a PIN by the FMCSA.  Users can validate that they are members of a motor carrier's organization by entering their motor carrier PIN.  Validated users may get additional information not available to General Public users.

Each Motor Carrier has been issued a PIN by the FMCSA to allow them to do online transactions within many FMCSA systems.  This number can be found on the FMCSA letter mailed to each carrier as a reminder of FMCSA's requirement to file a biennial update of carrier registration information (Form MCS-150).

Click here to request your PIN if you are unable to locate it. Once you complete the PIN registration process, a notification letter with your PIN will be generated and mailed to the address that was submitted on your most recent Form MCS-150. You should receive this letter within two weeks.

Assistance with PIN issues can be obtained by calling FMCSA technical support at: (800) 832-5660 during normal business hours (select option 1, then option 2).

Sixty days of temporary validation can be obtained by faxing a request letter on company letterhead to (617) 494-2892.  The letter should include the name of the person requesting temporary validation, and the letter should be signed by an official of the company.

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How do I Edit/Update my Profile?

Clicking on the Edit Profile button in the Mid-Level navigation will display the Requestor Profile page. Change any of the details listed and click Submit when you are through, or click Reset to undo any changes you may have made.

Note that if you select the Organization Type of Motor Carrier you will be requested to enter your FMCSA assigned motor carrier PIN number for validation.  Non-validated motor carriers receive the same access rights as General Public users.

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How Do I Enter Data Challenges & Determine my Challenge Type?

Any user can enter a data challenge into the DataQs by selecting the 'Add a Challenge' button from the Enter/List Data Challenge screens. When the button is selected a two-screen sequence is initiated for entering the challenge into the system.

Determine my Challenge Type

On the first screen the challenge type is selected. Choices are (definitions follow):

  1. Crash - Not Reportable (No fatality, injury, or towaway)
  2. Crash - Not Preventable (Carrier not at fault)
  3. Crash - Wrong Assignment to Carrier
  4. Crash - Incorrect Data
  5. Crash - Duplicate
  6. Crash - Missing from Carrier's Report
  7. Crash - Commercial Driver Data
  8. Inspection - Incorrect Data (Violation)
  9. Inspection - Incorrect Data (Other)
  10. Inspection - Duplicate
  11. Inspection - Wrong Assignment to Carrier
  12. Inspection - Missing from Carrier's Report
  13. Inspection - Commercial Driver Data
  14. Carrier Information (MCS-150)
  15. Compliance Review/Safety Rating
  16. Operating Authority (OP-1, OP-2)
  17. Safety Audit
  18. Insurance Information
  19. Notice of Claim/Notice of Violation
  20. Interstate Carrier - Unregistered (No US DOT #)
  21. Other
  22. HHG Complaint - Fraudulent (Did not do business)
  23. HHG Complaint - Duplicate (Two identical complaints)

  • Not Reportable (No fatality, injury, or towaway) - A crash is reported to FMCSA if it involves:

    • Any truck having a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 10,000 pounds or a gross combination weight rating (GCWR) over 10,000 pounds used on public highways,


    • Any motor vehicle designed to transport more than eight people, including the driver


    • Any vehicle displaying a hazardous materials placard (regardless of weight)  [NOTE:  This criterion assumes that an officer at a crash site may not be familiar with the Federal Hazardous Materials Regulations (Specifically, 49 CFR Part 172).  If an officer or associate is knowledgeable in those, any vehicle discovered to be transporting hazardous materials without a required placard should also be included.]


    • That vehicle is involved in a crash while operating on a  roadway customarily open to the public, which results in:
      • A fatality:  any person(s) killed in or outside of any vehicle (truck, bus, car, etc.) involved in the crash or who dies within 30 days of the crash as a result of an injury sustained in the crash;
      • An injury:  any person(s) injured as a result of the crash who immediately receives medical treatment away from the crash scene; OR
      • A towaway: any motor vehicle (truck, bus, car, etc.) disabled as a result of the crash and transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other vehicle.

    EXCEPT  Crashes that involve:

    • A personally-owned truck or passenger vehicle meant for personal use only as the  sole vehicle meeting the criteria above,  OR
    • A driver with a disease condition (stroke, heart attack, diabetic coma or epileptic seizure) and no other injury or damage occurs, OR
    • Deliberate intent (suicide, self-inflicted injury, homicide, etc.), with no unintentional injury or damage.

  • Not Preventable (Carrier not at fault) - You were not at fault in the crash.   FMCSA includes all crashes in their safety analysis.  FMCSA has several different types of safety data available for use in determining a carrier’s safety status.  We attempt to use as many different data sources as possible to determine the full picture of a carrier’s safety operations.  We report and use the information just as it is provided to us by carriers, Federal and State inspectors, and investigative personnel.  Every analysis we perform includes all the information we have on file on a carrier, so that there is no relative disadvantage to any particular carrier.

    While it may be desirable to reflect only crashes determined to be “preventable,” it is impossible to make that determination from only the information received from State commercial vehicle safety data.  Resolving the preventability of a crash is not an exact science and often, without employing extensive investigative resources, the determination can be very subjective.

    FMCSA recognizes the potential impact on a carrier’s business that can result from posting our safety analysis on the Internet.  However, FMCSA believes it is important that the public has the ability to look at a carrier’s data in relationship to data on all other carriers.  We have posted warning messages on our Web sites, such as “The Accident Safety Evaluation Area value represents carrier accident involvement only and is not intended as a means to assign fault” on the A&I site ( to ensure the public understands that the data serve only as a pointer and not a determinant of a carrier’s safety fitness.
  • Wrong Assignment to Carrier - You were not involved in the crash listed.
  • Incorrect Data - The crash report lists incorrect data item(s), i.e., the data lists an injury but the crash did not have any injuries.
  • Duplicate - The same crash is listed more than once.
  • Missing from Carrier's Report - There is missing information in the crash details or a crash is not listed.
  • Commercial Driver Data - The commercial driving record lists incorrect crash data, i.e., the crash report lists the wrong driver name.
  • What does Correct Driver name mean?

    • If the driver's name listed on the crash report is incorrect and should be changed to someone else (i.e., a co-driver), enter the other driver's name in the box provided.

Inspection - The roadside inspection program consists of roadside inspections performed by qualified safety inspectors following the guidelines of the North American Standard, which was developed by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance in cooperation with the FMCSA.

  • Incorrect Data (Violation) - The inspection report lists a violation that should not be attributed to you.
  • Incorrect Data (Other) - There is data that is not correct; i.e., the driver listed under a violation was not the correct driver.
  • Duplicate - The same inspection is listed more than once.
  • Wrong Assignment to Carrier - You did not receive the listed inspection.
  • Missing from Carrier's Report - Information is missing from the inspection report or an inspection is not listed.
  • Commercial Driver Data - The commercial driving record lists incorrect inspection data, i.e., the inspection report lists the wrong driver name or violation.
  • What does Correct Driver name mean?

    • If the driver's name listed on the inspection report is incorrect and should be changed to someone else (i.e., a co-driver), enter the other driver's name in the box provided.

    What does Violations being Challenged mean?

    • If the violation listed on the inspection report is incorrect and should be changed or removed, enter the violation number in the box provided (use semi-colon to separate multiple violations, if applicable).

Carrier Information (MCS-150)
  1. To APPLY for your U.S. DOT Number or to UPDATE your U.S. DOT Number registration information click and follow the instructions for applying or updating.
  2. If you have previously filed the registration information and your update has not been included, you may enter a challenge in DataQs. 

Compliance Review/Safety Rating
You may challenge incorrect data resulting from Compliance Reviews or Safety Rating Assignments.
  • A compliance review (CR) is an on-site examination of the motor carrier's records and operations to determine whether the carrier meets the safety fitness standard. The CR is conducted to investigate potential safety violations, to investigate complaints, or is in response to a carrier's request for a change in safety rating. The compliance review may result in the initiation of an enforcement action.
  • A motor carrier receives a safety rating when an authorized official conducts an on-site examination of a motor carrier operation including compliance with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the Hazardous Materials Regulations. The specialist reviews records, evaluates roadside vehicle inspection data, and accidents to determine whether a motor carrier meets the safety fitness standard.

Operating Authority (OP-1, OP-2)
Application for Motor Carriers under NAFTA
  • OP-1: Carriers who want to Operate in the U.S. beyond the Commercial Zone
  • OP-2: Mexican Motor Carriers who want to operate only in the U.S Commercial Zone

Safety Audit
The term "safety audit" is the equivalent to the "safety review" required by Section 210 of the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act (49 U.S.C. 31144).
  • Safety audit - Each owner and each operator granted new operating authority are required to undergo a safety review within the first 18 months after the owner or operator, as the case may be, begins operations under such authority.

Insurance Information
Motor Carrier Insurance information is incorrect.

Notice of Claim/Notice of Violation
You may challenge incorrect data reported on a notice of claim or notice of violation.
  • A Notice of Claim (NOC) means the initial document issued by FMCSA to assert a civil penalty for alleged violations of the FMCSRs, HMRs, or FMCCRs.
  • A Notice of Violation (NOV) means a document alleging a violation of the FMCSRs, HMRs, or FMCCRs, for which corrective action, other than payment of a civil penalty, is recommended.

Interstate Carrier - Unregistered (No US DOT #)
If a motor carrier is operating Interstate or Intrastate Hazmat without registering with the FMCSA (no US DOT number) this challenge type should be used.  The challenge will be forwarded to the FMCSA Division Office where the motor carrier operates.

If none of the listed challenge types are applicable to your data challenge, please fill in the textbox with a short, specific description of your challenge (you will fill in details of the challenge on the following page.)

HHG Complaint - Fraudulent (Did not do business)
If a household goods complaint received by the FMCSA is being contested as fraudulent, select this challenge type. A complaint is considered fraudulent only if it can be proven that the filer of the complaint and the carrier did not do business together. If you still choose to file a challenge, please note that your challenge will not be upheld if indeed there was a business transaction between the two parties. However, your challenge may be used by FMCSA investigators to provide context to a future investigation.

HHG Complaint - Duplicate (Two identical complaints)
If a household goods complaint received by the FMCSA is duplicated from a previous complaint, select this challenge type. A complaint is considered duplicate and may be challenged if the complaint is identical to one previously filed in the National Consumer Complaint Database. This means that the Filer's First Name, Filer's Last Name, and Pickup Date are identical to those in a previously filed complaint.

The second input screen collects specific information about the data being challenged. The data collected on this screen varies depending on the type of challenge identified on the first screen.

When this second screen is submitted the data challenge is loaded into the DataQs system. An acknowledgement screen is generated, the challenge is forwarded to an organization for resolution, and email notifications are sent to State- and FMCSA-selected individuals within their organizations.

Throughout the site, the following falsification disclaimer is displayed based on the False Statement Accountability Act (FSAA) of 1996:

Any intentionally false or misleading statement, representation or document that you provide in support of this DataQs request may subject you to prosecution for a violation of federal law punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both. (18 U.S.C. 1001)

By clicking submit, you certify that the statements and information you are submitting in support of the request are, to the best of your knowledge, true, accurate, and complete.

To be more specific, the FSAA of 1996 says "whoever... knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation... shall be fined up to $10,000.00 or imprisoned up to five years, or both." For complete information, read the Criminal Resource Manual 902.

Note: FMCSA and State personnel can:

  • Suppress the email notification when entering a challenge for their own organization by clicking the box "Click here to suppress Email notification for this challenge". This option is located next to the "Submit" button. Suppressing email notification is useful when an organization enters a challenge to their data in DataQs that they receive vie a phone call for tracking purposes.
  • Go directly to the response screen from the challenge entry screen for challenges entered by their organization.

Individuals who will receive automatic notification of challenges forwarded to their organization are determined by the organization. Contact the DataQs system administrators to add a user to the automatic notification.

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How Do I Enter Request for a Copy of an Inspection Report?

Any user can enter an inspection report request into DataQs by selecting the 'Request an Inspection Report' button from the Enter/List Data Challenge screens. Some agencies do not use the DataQs system to process these requests. State-specific instructions for requesting inspection reports are provided for States not participating, if available.

The first step to process your request is to select the State where the inspection event occurred. The next step will collect specific information on the inspection report, such as the report number and inspection date. At this time, only one (1) request may be entered at a time.

NOTE: Do not use this feature to request a review of an inspection.

When the request is loaded into the DataQs system, an acknowledgement screen is generated. The request is then forwarded to an organization for research and email notifications are sent to State- and FMCSA-selected individuals within their organizations.

Note: FMCSA and State personnel can:

  • Suppress the email notification when entering a request for their own organization by clicking the box "Click here to suppress Email notification for this challenge". This option is located next to the "Submit" button. Suppressing email notification is useful when an organization enters a request to their data in DataQs that they receive via a phone call for tracking purposes.
  • Go directly to the response screen from the challenge entry screen for challenges entered by their organization.

Individuals who will receive automatic notification of requests forwarded to their organization are determined by the organization. Contact the DataQs system administrators to add a user to the automatic notification.

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How Do I View Details of a Data Challenge?

Clicking on the data Challenge ID number in the data Challenge List will retrieve a detailed view of the data challenge.

The detailed view displays the information collected during data challenge entry; identifies the user who entered the challenge into the system; displays each response to the data challenge (with most recent entries listed first); and links to a list of supporting documentation added to the DataQs for the displayed challenge.

Clicking on the 'Create PDF File' icon in the Detail View screen enables the user to access a PDF file version of challenge details.  The user can view the PDF version, save it, or print it.   

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How Do I Change the Challenge Type?

A user can change the challenge type for a given challenge by clicking on the corresponding Challenge ID link. Clicking on a 'Challenge ID' link in the Challenge List takes the user to the Detail View for the challenge, where the user can then click on the 'Change Challenge Type' link below the Challenge Type section. Clicking on the 'Change Challenge Type' link will take the user to the Change Challenge Type screen, where a checklist of possible challenge types is available.  The checklist includes types other than the original challenge type. 

After selecting the new challenge type, the user must then click on the 'Continue' button. Clicking on the 'Continue' button takes the user to a detailed view of the challenge. All challenge information on this screen is editable by the user. Depending on the new challenge type, the user may be required to enter additional challenge information before proceeding. The user may also opt to not make any changes to challenge information.  Once the user has made additional or no changes to the challenge information, the user can click on the 'Submit' button in order to save these changes. A 'Reset' button is also available in addition to the 'Submit' button in case the user would like to revert to the original challenge information at any time before clicking on 'Submit'.  

Clicking on the 'Submit' button takes the user to the Challenge Confirmation screen.  This screen enables the user to either upload additional documentation or to return to the list of challenges

Once a change of challenge type has been submitted, a response is added to the response list for that particular challenge.  This response can be found in the Detail View for the challenge, under Response List.  The response describes the change from one type of challenge to the new type.

General Public Users, Commercial Drivers, and Motor Carriers are able to change the challenge type for open challenges only.  FMCSA/State Agency users and FMCSA administrative users are able to change the challenge type of an open and closed challenge.  

Note:  Challenge Type Crash - Not Preventable (Carrier not at fault) cannot be changed by the user. 

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How Do I Respond to a Data Challenge?

Note: FMCSA/State Agency Users must manually change the status of data challenges they respond to.

Users can respond to a challenge from two locations within DataQs. The first is by selecting 'Go' in the Respond column of the data challenge list. The second is by selecting 'Add Response' from the detailed view of a data challenge.

Responses to data challenges are posted in DataQs and are available for review on the detailed view screen for a data challenge.

The response screen allows users (with access rights to the data challenge) to enter responses. FMCSA/State Agency users and FMCSA administrative users can also change the status of challenges from this screen. When a response is added for a challenge, email notifications are sent to both the organization responsible for the challenge and the challenge originator. This allows users to participate in a dialogue to resolve the data challenge. For example, if a motor carrier has entered a data challenge into DataQs but didn't provide enough detail for the Federal or State agency to resolve the issue, that agency could then ask for the specific information needed using the response screen.

FMCSA/State Agency users and FMCSA administrative users can also forward challenges from this screen by clicking on the 'Forward challenge to another agency for resolution' link.

The challenge originator will receive an email notification that a response has been added for the challenge. When the challenge originator logs into DataQs and reads the response, they will know what additional information is needed. They can provide this information by responding through DataQs.

The Federal or State Agency will receive an email notification that additional information has been added for the challenge. After reviewing the additional information, a determination of the merits of the challenge can be made; the status of the challenge can be changed; and, if necessary, a formal response letter can be generated using the templates provided within DataQs or an informal email message can be sent. The formal response letter can be uploaded into the system for review by the challenge submitter.

NOTE - For FMCSA & State Users

Data challenges may be resolved within your organization in the same manner they were resolved prior to the development of DataQs. The system supports your organization in managing data challenges in the following manner:

  • Receive email notification from the challenge originator
  • Ask for additional information from the challenger
  • Provide the challenger with the status or results of the challenge resolution process
  • Forward the data challenge to another organization for resolution
  • Provide the challenger with the final resolution of the request (accept/reject)
  • FMCSA and State personnel can suppress the email notification for their own agency when they respond to or forward a challenge by clicking 'Click here to suppress email notification to your office'.
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How Do I Forward a Data Challenge to Another Organization?

FMCSA/State Agency users and FMCSA administrative users can forward a data challenge to another organization for final resolution. The detailed view of a challenge screen allows these users to click on the button 'Forward Challenge'. The Forward Challenge screen allows the user to select the new organization that the challenge will be transferred to and to add a comment that will be posted with the challenge. When the DataQs system transfers the challenge, an email notification is sent to the receiving organization and the user that submitted the challenge.  The challenge status of an open challenge is updated to 'Forwarded to another office for resolution'.

When an organization forwards a challenge to another organization, the challenge remains in the original organization's challenge list. The 'Forwarded To' column will list the newly assigned organization.

Note: To reduce the number of organizations listed in the agency selection list, select the type of organization or a state and select the 'Reduce Agency List' button. The resulting selection list will consist of the organizations that matched the criteria entered.

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How Do I Add Supporting Documentation?

Supporting documentation can be faxed into DataQs or electronic files can be uploaded directly into the system.

To upload or fax supporting documentation select 'Go' in the Add Docs column in the data challenge list. Additionally, the 'Add Supporting Documentation' button is available on the add-a-challenge acknowledgement screen, the response screen, or the detailed view of a data challenge screen.

When a user has selected the 'Add Supporting Documentation' option, instructions for faxing or uploading documentation is displayed. Faxed documents are sent to a fax number dedicated to the DataQs system. After the fax is sent, the supporting documentation will be available for review through the DataQs system. Users can review the data in the Challenge List by clicking on the 'Y' link in the 'Docs' column for a specific challenge. If an 'A' is listed, the documentation has been archived and can only be accessed via a request to

When documents are uploaded or faxed into the system, an email notification is sent to users with access rights for the challenge.

Throughout the site, the following falsification disclaimer is displayed based on the False Statement Accountability Act (FSAA) of 1996:

Any intentionally false or misleading statement, representation or document that you provide in support of this DataQs request may subject you to prosecution for a violation of federal law punishable by a fine of not more than $10,000.00 or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both. (18 U.S.C. 1001)

By adding supporting documentation via fax or file upload, you certify that the statements and information you are submitting in support of this request are, to the best of your knowledge, true, accurate, and complete.

To be more specific, the FSAA of 1996 says "whoever... knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation... shall be fined up to $10,000.00 or imprisoned up to five years, or both." For complete information, read the Criminal Resource Manual 902.

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How Do I View Reports?

Clicking on the 'Reports Button' at the top of any DataQs screen takes the user to the Reports screen. This screen contains reports that may be viewed and printed for open and closed data challenges.  Many reports can be filtered by agency assigned to address the challenge and date of challenge entry as identified below. 

Views are available in HTML and PDF formats. Clicking on an HTML version of a reports gives the user the opportunity to print the report immediately or to simply view it as a Web page. Clicking on the 'Download Data' link in the HTML version enables the user to download the data in a CSV file format.  

Clicking on the PDF version of a report also allows the user to view it, save it as a file, or print it. 

General Public Users, Commercial Drivers, & Motor Carriers, FMCSA/State Agency Users, and FMCSA Administrative Level Users (FMCSA HQ and support staff) see the following reports: 

  • All Data Challenges - All Data challenges, whether open or closed, for the user's account will be listed.
  • Open Data Challenges - Only open data challenges will be listed.
  • Closed Data Challenges - Only closed data challenges will be listed.
  • Summary by Challenge Type & Status by Organization - All challenges, ordered by agency that received the challenge, type of challenge, and status of challenge, are listed.  Status information offers more detail than simply open or closed categories.  

FMCSA/State Agency Users and FMCSA Administrative Level Users (FMCSA HQ and support staff) see all previous reports, as well as the following:

  The following reports are filterable by agency assigned to address the challenge:

  • Challenge Summary By Status - All challenges, ordered by challenge status and percentage breakdown, for the account user are listed.
  • Challenge Summary By Type - All challenges by type, subtotals, and percentage breakdown for the account user are listed.  Reports for breakdowns of challenge type subcategories of inspections and crashes are also available below the Challenge Type breakdown report.  The report and sub-reports also display the results graphically in a pie chart.
  • Challenge Summary By Type and Status - All challenges by type and status for the logged in user are displayed.
  • Monthly Totals of New/Closed Challenges - Data regarding the number of new challenges entered and challenges closed are listed by month and year in this report.  This report includes a chart that shows the historical data from month to month.   (This report cannot be filtered by Dates)

  The following reports cannot be filtered:

  • Open Challenge Summary By Organization Type - All open challenges visible to the logged in user are summarized by the organization type.  The report categorizes the challenges by days open.
  • Closed Challenge Summary By Organization Type - All closed challenges visible to the logged in user are summarized by the organization type.  The report categorizes the challenges by days to close. 
  • All Data Challenges for a Specific U.S. DOT - All open, closed, and archived challenges will be displayed by the specific DOT number, regardless of agency assignment. 

FMCSA Administrative Level Users (FMCSA HQ and support staff) see all previous reports, as well as the following:

   The following reports are filterable by agency assigned to address the challenge:

  • Open Challenge Summary By Organization - All open challenges in the DataQs system are summarized by the organization currently assigned to address the challenge.  The report categorizes the challenges by days open.
  • Closed Challenge Summary By Organization - All closed challenges in the DataQs system are summarized by the organization currently assigned to address the challenge.  The report categorizes the challenges by days to close.

  The following reports cannot be filtered by Agency:

  • New User Registrations - Historical data regarding the number of new registrations by motor carriers per month is available in this report.
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How Do I View Archived Challenges?

  • From the Challenge List Page - After selecting the 'Enter/List Data Challenge' option from the DataQs menu at the top of the page, select 'Yes' in the dropdown marked 'Include Archived Challenges?' and then press the 'Filter' button. The Challenge list will be generated and will include any archived challenges along with the open challenges currently being reviewed and the challenges that were currently closed. Archived challenges will not appear on the Challenge List until the user selects to view them. Archived challenges will be updated in the database on a weekly basis.
  • From the Reports Page -After selecting the 'Reports' option from the DataQs menu at the top of the page, check off the 'Include Archived Challenges' box. After checking this box off, the website will generate new results that incude the archived challenges.
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How Do I Provide Feedback?

There are two ways to provide feedback on the DataQs system. One way is to select the DataQs Feedback link located in the footer of every screen once you log into the DataQs system. This link will access a form you can fill out with your questions or comments. When the form is submitted, an email with your feedback is sent to DataQs.

Another option for providing feedback is to select the DataQs Contacts link located on the footer of every DataQs page. DataQs Contacts contains the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of the DataQs team.

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DataQs Flow Chart

The following flow chart shows how a data challenge is resolved through the DataQs system.


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