PITC13Portland-20130131staffconsultmap a

    VA, HUD Secretaries Conduct Homeless Count-During the last week of January, the Department of Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and local agencies across the country conduct Point-in-Time Counts—to get a statistically reliable, unduplicated count of sheltered and unsheltered homeless Veterans, individuals and families in the U.S.

    David Greaves, Ph.D. Portland VA Medical Center Admin. Director, MH & CN and Dr. James Bane, Primary Care provider at Portland Community Resource and Referral Center (CRRC) consult a city street map held by CRRC Clinic Manager Cathy Spofford (hidden) before venturing out to participate in the Point in Time Count held in Portland, Oregon on Feb. 31. More than 13 staff members of CRRC, PVAMC, and others joined others in the community to learn more about the individuals and families experiencing homelessness while collecting valuable information about the level of homelessness in our community and the need for services.
    Following the annual Point in Time Count today, some of the staff members who were part of the count of Portland area homeless gathered outside of PVAMC's Community Resource and Referral Center. The CRRC in downtown Portland serves homeless Veterans, or those at risk of becoming homeless, with access to care and benefits. Veterans are assisted with a variety of needs, including homeless assistance, access to medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment. The Point in Time Count provides agencies that assist homeless people with important information on the level of homelessness and services needed. VA photos by Kelli D. Foesch.

    Comments and faves

    1. shandabear2004 (2 weeks ago | reply)

      Dear VA,

      How awesome to know how you are IMPROVING VETERANS' LIVES from coast to coast. I amparticularly moved regarding this location.daughter, CadeOliviaLee Boyd, is a seniors at the UNIVERSITY OF PORTLAND. God willing, I (FIRST FEMALE & AFRICAN AMERICAN) to attend ROTC, receive DMG (DISTINGUISMILITARGRADUATE) Ho.nor and celebrate the commissioning as a 2LT, along with her father, a WEST POINT GRADUATE, will pi. on her Gold 2LT bars!

      This is one of my three daughters who often said to me, "MOMMY, WE ARE SO GLAD YOU HAVE THE VA!" They watched, cared for me, and provided hope the four. years until the TBI was diagnosed. They knew their mother was DIFFERENT, as did she...but we nor others in the medical community were able to pinpoint my INVISIBLE INJURY!

      Nevertheless, we did what soldiers do...continue the mission. For lack of a better term, the VA became one of the best fox hole buddies in the world for me..and truly has never stopped TURNING HOPE INTO REALITY for my girls, family and friends.

      Warmest Regards,

      Shanda Taylor-Boyd, CPT.
      United States Army, Retired
      MHR, BSN, BA

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