NASA Open Source Software written in C

Core Flight Executive (cFE)

The Core Flight Executive is a portable, platform independent embedded system framework developed by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. This framework is used as the basis for the flight software for satellite data systems and instruments, but can be used on other embedded systems. The Core Flight Executive is written in C and depends on [...]

Lossless Hyper-/multi-spectral data compression software

Software implementation of JPL published paper for performing lossless hyper-spectral and milti-spectral data compression. The implementation was executed to confirm the results obtained by JPL independently. Implemented JPL published paper and its revised version presented to the CCSDS hyper/multi-spectral data compression working group. The implementation follows every step listed in the relevant papers and usess [...]

Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit

G-SDSU core modules enables users to insert their own satellite simulator to convert model-simulated atmosphere states to various types of satellite observable signals (radiance or backscattering signals), and to compare such data with comparable measurements collected by corresponding satellite level-1 measurement.

Visual System for Browsing, Analysis and Retrieval of Data (ViSBARD)

ViSBARD (Visual System for Browsing, Analysis, and Retrieval of Data) is an interactive visualization and analysis tool for space physics data. It provides an integrated 3-D/2-D environment to analyze measurements across many spacecraft and MHD models.

Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center Architecture (GMSEC) API

The Goddard Mission Services Evolution Center (GMSEC) program was established in 2001 to coordinate ground and flight data systems development and services at GSFC with the ultimate goal to efficiently support current and future GSFC mission services. The GMSEC architecture is a ground systems architecture that spans the full mission lifecycle from development through operations. [...]