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The chameleon Calumma gastrotaenia from Madagascar boreas field work Satellite-to-In Situ Ocean Measurements Landsat post-Katrina image MODIS Image of California Wildfires North America
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NASA (Web site)
Strategic Plan 2011 link to pdf  NEW
NASA Science  (Web site)
  Summary Science Plan For NASA’s Science Mission Directorate 2007 – 2016 link to pdf
Science Plan For NASA’s Science Mission Directorate 2007 – 2016 link to pdf
Ensuring Scientific Integrity at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (2011) link to pdf  NEW
NASA Earth Science  (Web site)
  2010 Science Plan For NASA's Mission Directorate link to pdf
Responding to the Challenge of Climate and Environmental Change: NASA's Plan for a Climate-Centric Architecture for Earth Observations and Applications from Space (2010) link to pdf
Earth Science Research Plan Draft 2005 link to pdf
Earth System Science Data Resources: Tapping into a wealth of data, information, services (2009) link to pdf
Earth Science Reference Book: A Guide to NASA’s Earth Science Program and Earth Observing Satellite Missions (2006) link to pdf

NASA Earth Science Applied Science (Web site)

  NASA Earth Science Applied Science Program Strategy 2010–2015 link to pdf
NASA Earth Science Technology (Web site)

Earth Science Technology Plan (2004)  link to pdf

National Research Council Decadal Survey
  Full Document
    NRC Decadal Survey Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond (2007). Available from National Acadamies Press (link), link to pdf(20M pdf)
  Chapter 4 Mission Summaries
    ACE link to pdf
    ASCENDS link to pdf
    DESDynI link to pdf
    GEO-CAPE link to pdf
    HyspIRI link to pdf
    ICESAT-II link to pdf
    LIST link to pdf
    SMAP link to pdf
  Chapter 7 Land Use Change, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Biodiversity link to pdf
NASA ESD Decadal Survey Workshop Reports
  ASCENDS link to pdf
  CLARREO link to pdf
  DESDynI link to pdf
  ICESat II  link to pdf
  SMAP link to pdf
National Research Council Publications
  An Enabling Foundation for NASA's Space and Earth Science Missions (2010) (link)
Revitalizing NASA's Suborbitial Program: Advancing Science, Driving Innovation, and Developing Workforce (2010) (link)

Related Websites and Documents

  NRC Decadal Survey Earth Science and Applications from Space: National Imperatives for the Next Decade and Beyond (2007).  Available from National Acadamies Press (link), link to pdf
Options to Ensure the Climate Record from the NPOESS and GOES-R Spacecraft: A Workshop Report.  Available from National Acadamies Press (link)
Satellite Observations to Benefit Science and Society: Recommended Missions for the Next Decade (link)
U.S. Global Change Research Program  (Web site)
    Online Documents  (link)
Order Documents (link)
  U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program (U.S. CCSP) & Documents  (Web site)
U.S. North American Carbon Program (U.S. NACP) & Documents (Web site)


U.S. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program (U.S. OCCC)  (Web site)
  State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR)  (link)
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NASA Official: Jim Collatz 
Curator: Carla Evans