Welcome to the Video Kiosk. There are numerous three to five minute long videos in SAM that will enhance your visit to the Mall.

To watch a video, click on the appropriate icon.
If you would like to navigate to the page that relates to a video, click on the link above the icon. To save a video to your computer, click on the "Download Video" link.
Transcripts are available for download in the Convenience Store.

Service Acquisition Process Videos

Service Acquisition
Process Overview

Video Length - 4:06
Download Video - .mp4

Step One
Form the Team

Video Length - 3:01
Download Video - .mp4

Step Two
Review Current Strategy

Video Length - 4:53
Download Video - .mp4

Step Three
Market Research

Video Length - 3:33
Download Video - .mp4

Step Four
Requirements Definition

Video Length - 3:39
Download Video - .mp4

Step Five
Acquisition Strategy

Video Length - 2:47
Download Video - .mp4

Step Six
Execute the Strategy

Video Length - 3:39
Download Video - .mp4

Step Seven
Performance Management

Video Length - 2:40
Download Video - .mp4

Generic Work Product Videos

Team Charter

Video Length - 4:29
Download Video - .mp4

Stakeholder Analysis

Video Length - 3:42
Download Video - .mp4

Communication Plan

Video Length - 2:54
Download Video - .mp4

Project Plan

Video Length - 3:27
Download Video - .mp4

Requirements Roadmap

Video Length - 7:26
Download Video - .mp4


Video Length - 5:03
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Video Length - 6:53
Download Video - .mp4

Miscellaneous Videos

Welcome to SAM

Video Length - 5:33
Download Video - .mp4

ARRT Videos


Video Length- 4:36
Download Video - .mp4

Requirement Development
(A-H) Process

Video Length- 13.49
Download Video - .mp4

Writing Effective

Video Length - 3:24
Download Video - .mp4

Writing Tasks

Video Length - 12:04
Download Video - .mp4

Performance Standards

Video Length - 7:33
Download Video - .mp4

Relating Inspection
to Standards

Video Length - 2:00
Download Video - .mp4