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Interesting Aerospace

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Museums/Education Reference

International Organizations/Societies Industry

Space History Journals

The NASA Headquarters History Office does not officially endorse these sites, but Web surfers may find useful information on these mostly non-government pages.


Air & Space Magazine Online
The official magazine for the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum

Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space and Missile Museum
This museum preserves both hardware and the spirit of the United States' ventures into space. Rockets, missiles and other space related equipment are on display.

Classroom of the Future
The NASA Regional Educator Resource Center at Wheeling Jesuit University; serves as resource desks for K-12 educators interested in bringing to their classrooms cutting-edge materials relevant to the U.S. space program

National Air & Space Museum (Smithsonian)
This is the homepage of the Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, containing museum information as well as interesting aerospace information and history

Oxford Museum of the History of Science
This site contains information about the museum, virtual exhibitions, museum publications, and Oxford M.Sc. graduate student contributions

University of Minnesota Center for the Philosophy of Science
This site details the history and mission of the Center, information on Center Members and associates, a list of the Center's prestigious series, Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, lists of upcoming colloquia and workshops, and information on the U of M Graduate Minor in Studies of Science and Technology

Center for History of Physics
Part of the American Institute of Physics, the Center for History of Physics has an interesting site that includes information and links regarding the history of astronomy and space science.


Aerospaceguide: Space Projects and Info
A comprehensive page by a private enthusiast that provides information on a variety of topics ranging from the planets to propulsion to the history and future of humans in space.

Apollo at American Samoa
Some interesting information about the Apollo missions that landed near and then passed through American Samoa.

Apollo Burning
A site dedicated to the memory of the crew of Apollo 1

Apollo Saturn Reference Page
Detailed technical information about the Saturn Launch Vehicles formodelers and space buffs, by a private enthusiast.

Aurora Galleries
On-line auctions and sales of space/aviation memorabilia.

Brian's Space Hotlist
Brian Roberts' personal page with a number of handy alphabetical categories about spaceflight.

Collect Space
Information on space history and artifacts.

Contact Light
A personal recollection of the Apollo missions to the Moon.This site by a private enthusiast includes some cool video and audio clips, a lunar landing simulator game, and reference tables.

Virtual Reference Library
This site is has a subject listing to Physical and life sciences and their practical applications and theoretical and applied mathematics. Includes websites on astronomy with extensive lists of resources. 

Field Guide to American Spacecraft
This site includes the locations of all manned spacecraft, including test vehicles, boilerplates and mock-ups

H-Net: Collection of Humanities and Social Sciences Information
An extensive collection of humanities and social sciences information online, with close to seventy electronic mail discussion lists.

History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web
A large collection of historical material and numerous resources for students and teachers both, as well as several interesting sections about United States history.

Icarus Rising
A memorial site dedicated to the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory's "This Month In Space History"
A detailed calendar covering space-related activities and historic anniversaries for the coming year. Included are over 1,000 links to related home pages.

MSL-Mission and Spacecraft Library
This site is a useful spacecraft and launch vehicle database run by a Jet Propulsion Laboratory employee.

National Archives & Records Administration Archival Research Catalog (ARC) ARC contains descriptions of more than 265,216 Items including different documents, photographs, sound recordings, and video clips.

Phaeton Descending
A website honoring the crew of Columbia STS-107.

Romance to Reality: Moon and Mars Expedition and Settlement Plans
This site contains annotations of over 100 documents on Moon and Mars expeditions and settlement.

A Little Space Museum
This site contains interesting information on topics such as Apollo spacesuits, the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package,and the Soviet manned lunar program.

Space Trilogy
A memorial honoring the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger STS-51L, and Columbia STS-107

The Top 100 Stars of Aerospace
This site is an intitiative to find out who people consider the most important and influential people in the aerospace community, past and present. Vote for your choices by visiting the site.

This site is dedicated to the world's oldest satellite still in orbit, Vanguard

History of Weather and the National Weather Service

Echo Research Center - History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
This website contains specialized collections and documents from various scientific and historic fields, along with a biographical dictionary, an historical dictionary of scientific institutions and organizations, electronic journals, and e-mail discussion lists and news groups

STL Online Archive
This website devoted to the Space Technology Laboratories (STL) from 1957-1965 contains hundreds of pictures and documents pertaining to Pioneer 0-2, Explorer 6, Pioneer 5, and the Atlas Able Pioneers.


Apollo Information in French - "Max Q"
An overview of the Apollo program, as well as Shuttle information, in French, as this site was developed by a private French enthusiast.

Friends and Partners in Space (Information Related to Russian Space Programs)
Information related to Russian (and former Soviet Union) space programs and improving communication and cooperation between space enthusiasts and professionals in the United States and the Former Soviet Union

International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR)
Currently on expedition to recover Amelia Earhart's plane

International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG)
This site contains news and events concerning lunar exploration, including missions, meetings, reports, and documents.

Apollo Maniacs
A Japanese site devoted to everything Apollo.

This site offers news and history of astronautics in the former USSR. 


American Association for the Advancement of Science
For those of you following the Congressional Budget process relating to science and technology, the AAAS has been posting appropriation figures for federal research and development programs on its' "Science & Policy" page; otherwise, you can find materials from Science magazine and various information on science and human rights

American Astronomical Society
Home page of this organization with several links to aerospace sites as well as on-line journals of astrophysics and astronautics

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
In addition to information on conferences, membership, technical activities, publications, databases, public policy, customer service, and staff contacts, links will be made to AIAA sections and chapters who have their own home pages

British Interplanetary Society
A distinguished international group that publishes Spaceflight magazine and the Journal of the British Interplanetary Society.

Federation of American Scientists
An inventory of overhead images from CORONA, KH-11, and Desert Storm can be viewed here

The National Center for Remote Sensing, Air, and Space Law
Sponsored by the University of Mississippi, NRSSLC addresses the many different legal aspects of space law, including the publication of the Journal of Space Law.

The Planetary Society
Provides links to NASA, international, and private space missions.

Society for History of Technology (SHOT)
SHOT's weekly postings of employment announcements, fellowship opportunities, calls for papers, and upcoming conferences

Space History Journals

The journal of space history published by the University of North Dakota.

Spaceflight Now
This on-line magazine specializes in articles on space exploration.

This on-line magazine has a section devoted to articles on space exploration.

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