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August 20, 2009 - Cornell University
Cornell synchrotron unveils long-hidden Wyeth painting - (CHESS)
Stubborn layers of paint had kept them hidden for several decades, but the bluish, purplish and reddish hues of a 1919 painting by 20th-century artist N.C. Wyeth have finally come to light, thanks to cutting-edge technologies developed at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS). ...

August 20, 2009 - University of California, Berkeley
New images capture cell's ribosomes at work, could aid in molecular war against disease - (ALS, APS)
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have for the first time captured elusive nanoscale movements of ribosomes at work, shedding light on how these cellular factories take in genetic instructions and amino acids to churn out proteins. ...


August 25, 2009 - insciences
First-time in-situ insights into alloys - (APS)
New research has produced the first micro-scale, in-situ, real-time observations of detailed structural changes (dynamic recrystallisation) within alloys when placed under extremely high temperatures and stress (thermo-mechanics). ...

August 20, 2009 - EmaxHealth
Researchers Determine 3D Structure Of Anthrax Protein - (APS)
... "Having a map of the BA2930 protein structure, in particular, can help us understand the mechanism by which deadly bacteria like anthrax develop resistance to the antibiotics used to combat them," explains Wladek Minor, PhD, leader of the UVA team and professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics. ...

August 20, 2009 - The Telegraph
Thousands of hidden artworks could be uncovered by new x-ray technique - (CHESS)
... Now, using a new x-ray technique, scientists have come up with a non-destructive way of peeking beneath the surface of prized works of art in greater detail than ever before. Dr Jennifer Mass, of the University of Delaware, has used an extremely powerful x-ray machine - known as a synchrotron - to delve beneath the layers of paint. ...

August 20, 2009 - PhysOrg.com
New images capture cell's ribosomes at work, could aid in molecular war against disease - (ALS, APS)
Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, have for the first time captured elusive nanoscale movements of ribosomes at work, shedding light on how these cellular factories take in genetic instructions and amino acids to churn out proteins. ...

August 20, 2009 - Sindh Today
Scientists use titanium dioxide nanoparticles to kill cancer cells, sparing healthy ones - (APS, CNM)
Scientists in America have developed a way to target brain cancer cells using inorganic titanium dioxide nanoparticles bonded to soft biological material. ...

August 19, 2009 - FOX News
X-Rays Expose N.C. Wyeth Painting Hidden Under Another - (CHESS)
A new X-ray imaging technique has revealed colorful details of a painting hidden beneath another painting by famed American artist N.C. Wyeth, whose iconic work appeared in popular magazines like the Saturday Evening Post. ...

August 19, 2009 - MedCity News
Cleveland synchrotron biosciences center receives $4 million grant - (NSLS)
A biomedical research center at Case Western Reserve University has received a $4 million National Institutes of Health grant to continue its work helping researchers investigate proteins and other molecules that could lead to designer drugs. ...

August/September 2009
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  Proposal Deadlines


Diamond: The intriguing behaviour of bilayer manganites

ESRF: Molecular mechanism of bacterial survival against antimicrobial peptides revealed by X-ray studies

HASYLAB at DESY: Creating transparent aluminium with FLASH


SPring-8: Metal Immobilization using Plant and Poultry Waste Can Revive Soil Ecosystems

Doctoral thesis about the politics and sociology of synchrotron radiation labs: Small science on big machines: Politics and practices of synchrotron radiation laboratories (by Olof Hallonsten, Lund University)


APS: Postdoctoral scholar: X-ray Scattering Studies of Nanoparticles at the Oil/Water Interface

MacCHESS: Post-doctoral Associate - Biological Small-Angle Solution Scattering

SLS: Postdoctoral Fellow - time-resolved small-angle X-ray scattering

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