109th Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
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Resources > Family Readiness
Wing Family Programs


Bring the best possible services, support, training and education to our Service members, their families, retirees and civilian workforce and respond quickly to changing conditions by providing a robust, preventive, proactive support program for members and families throughout the deployment cycle support.
  • Comprehensive multi-agency approach for community support and services to meet the diverse needs of the Guard.
  • Provide Family Readiness support including direct day-to-day support to Airmen and Family members and liaison with other support entities.

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tabOne Page at a Time 

The Air Force Services Child and Youth Program is sponsoring the annual One Page at a Time Program, and the 109th Airlift Wing will once again be joining in. The program is a motivational program where youth read books, document their literary accomplishments, and earn incentives for each level of their literary successes.

The program runs through 9 Mar 2012 and is open to children of 109th AW members ages 5-13 years. The desired outcome of this program is to offer literary enrichment opportunities for youth and to create a passion for reading. Participants select books at their reading level from required reading lists at school, selected by their parents or from a list of 15,000 suggested titles located at www.afyouthprograms.com.

If you would like your child to take part, please e-mail TSgt Catharine Schmidt and we will register your child. You can find the registration/reading log here which needs to be returned to TSgt Schmidt at the end of each month.

HQ AFSVA is offering interim incentives for youth who read a predetermined number of books by 30 Dec 2011 as well as an additional incentive to the 25 youth Air Force-wide who have read the most books by the end of the program. Our office will also be offering monthly incentives to keep your children motivated to read.


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tabContact Information
Beverly Keating
Airman & Family Readiness Program Manager
109th Airlift Wing
(518) 344-2357

TSgt Catharine Schmidt
Airman & Family Readiness Program Assistant
109th Airlift Wing
(518) 344-2357

Alicia Russo
New York State Military OneSource Consultant
(518) 265-2901
Mrs. Russo is in the Family Programs office every Thursday.
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