U.S. Congressman Dan Webster | 8th District of Florida

Webster Wire – Weekly Newsletter

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02/10/2013 Listening to you
Dear Friend, When I am home from Washington, I visit with Central Floridians in their neighborhoods, their workplaces, and their schools. It is a privilege to listen to their life stories, their aspirations, and their everyday challenges. My ultimate...
02/02/2013 What I've learned as a parent
Dear Friend, This past week, I traveled across Central Florida to announce to hardworking taxpayers in our community $360,000 in savings achieved by streamlining the 10th District’s congressional office operations and voluntarily cutting my congressi...
01/28/2013 Congress in your Community
Dear Friend, I count it among my most important priorities as your U.S. Representative to collaborate with those working to strengthen our communities. This past week, I had one such opportunity as I met with the staff and volunteers of New Vision fo...
01/20/2013 Why I voluntarily cut my own salary
Dear Friend, This week, I voluntarily rolled back my salary to 2008 levels and returned the difference to the U.S. Department of Treasury for the purpose of paying down the debt. I know that in this turbulent economy, people are working harder for le...
11/20/2012 We stand with Israel
Dear Friend, During this period of heightened uncertainty in the Middle East, with mounting attacks against Israeli citizens perpetrated by the violent, terrorist group Hamas, America must remain steadfast in support of our ally Israel and its right ...
11/03/2012 My Op-Ed in Human Events
Dear Friend, Below is an op-ed highlighting a personal story about my family small business that I wrote for Human Events newspaper. President Obama lacks small business understanding November 2, 2012 By Daniel Webster In 1961, when Orange County was...
10/23/2012 It all starts with our community
Dear Friend, America’s future remains bright, but we must reform our current trends in order to realize that future. Our long term debt problem looks a lot like the problems being faced by European nations whose spending has far outpaced the producti...
10/04/2012 Serving you
Dear Friend, Earlier this week I had the opportunity to once again visit with hardworking employees, business owners, seniors, and students across our Central Florida communities. The narrative I hear from these important conversations continues to r...
09/21/2012 4 steps to restore our local economy
Dear Friend, Earlier this week I had the opportunity to once again visit with hardworking employees, business owners, seniors, and students across our Central Florida communities. The narrative I hear from these important conversations continues to r...
09/05/2012 A tax code that works for you
Dear Friend, 3.8 million words – that is the length of our current tax code. For perspective, consider the foundational document of our Republic, the Constitution, has less than 5,000 words. Both the dictionary and the Bible combined have less than h...
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