DoDEA Virtual High School: Language Arts 9

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Language Arts 9: Course Syllabus

Course Code: LAE3010T | Grade level: 9 | Length: 36 weeks

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Course Description

The language Arts 9 course is designed to strengthen students’ skills in listening, speaking, writing, literature, and language. The content includes, but is not limited to, preparing oral reports in various content areas; using appropriate pitch, stress, juncture and rate in formal and informal speech; using the dictionary and the thesaurus to develop an increasingly comprehensive and precise vocabulary in both speaking and writing; locating resources (magazines, reference sources, films, and microfiche) by using indexes, catalogs, and the Reader’s Guide; practicing the process of composition, including prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing; writing correspondence using appropriate forms (business, friendly); identifying with literary characters of the student’s own age, and under-standing how the characters’ actions and emotions reflect the student’s own actions and emotions; under-standing that literature is written at different levels for different purposes and for different audiences; and reading self-selected books to help students learn to view reading as a useful and pleasurable activity.

The Literary focus has a Who am I?/Coming of Age thematic approach. The genres will be short stories and the novel. Students will begin to read a novel and have it completed by the final unit. A reflective journal will be used in each unit.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the Language Arts 9 course, students should be able to:

  • Display an increasingly comprehensive and precise vocabulary in both writing and speaking, by using the dictionary and thesaurus.
  • Point out actions and emotions of literary characters in the student's own age group or socioeconomic class that reflect the student's own actions and emotions.
  • Point out examples of literature written at different levels for different purposes or audiences.
  • Locate resources (magazines, reference sources, films, etc.) by using indexes and catalogs.
  • Write examples of correspondence using appropriate forms (business, friendly).
  • Write using the composing process.
  • Use appropriate pitch, stress, juncture, and rate in speech.
  • Prepare oral reports in various content areas.
DoDEA English Languange Arts Standards may be viewed by clicking the link.

Course Outline (1st Semester)

I. Introduction

  • Course content and policies
  • Writing Process concepts
  • Explanation of rubrics
  • Introductory Discussion
  • Diagnostic assignment-pretest
  • Communication Concepts
  • Purpose
  • Audience
  • Technical writing: written instructions for recreating a drawing, as a way to demonstrate purpose and audience.

II. Six Trait Focus: Ideas

  • Thinking skills/logic
  • Grammar introduction: Basic vocabulary of grammar/parts of speech
  • Literature: Short stories and begin novel
  • Technical writing: email

III. Six Trait Focus: Organization

  • Theories of Organization
  • Paragraphing structures
  • Grammar focus: Basic Sentence structures.
  • Literature focus: basic elements of plot.
  • Analyzing essay structures

IV. Six Trait focus: Sentence Fluency

  • Strategies for Sentence fluency
  • Grammar Focus: Continuation of grammatical structures that influence sentence fluency
  • Literature focus: Point of View; novel
  • Technology and writing

V. Six Trait Focus: Conventions

  • Importance of conventions in communication
  • Common errors in conventions
  • Editing procedures
  • Oral Assignment
  • Final Revision of Diagnostic Essay

Course Outline (2nd Semester)

Second Semester:
This semester continues the theme of Who am I?/Coming of Age The genre focus will be poetry, plays, non-fiction, and autobiography.

VI. Six Trait Focus: Voice

  • Techniques to make writing more colorful and interesting.
  • Genre focus: poetry
  • Literary terms
  • Oral Presentation

VII. Six Trait Focus: Word Choice

  • Using Word Choice to make writing more colorful and interesting.
  • Drama: The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail
  • Writing Assignment: Drama

VIII. Six Trait Focus: Presentation

  • Improving the appearance of presentations.
  • Using the Word Processor to create visual effects
  • Persuasive techniques used in advertising
  • Drama: The Night Thoreau Spent in Jail
  • Technical Writing
  • Oral Communication: Drama

IX. Introduction to Research

  • Using basic research skills in a researched consumer purchase proposal.
  • Literature: Evaluating logical flaws in plots

X. Biography/Autobiography

  • Elements of a successful biography/autobiography
  • Literature focus: Biography/autobiography
  • Writing a biography or autobiography


Elements of Literature, Third Course
ISBN (Student Edition) 9780030926013

John Warriner’s Holt Handbook, Third Course
ISBN (Student Edition) 9780030661464

Publishers: Holt-McDougal; Houghton-Mifflin