Officer Training

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Officer Training School is a rigorous, nine-week program designed to challenge you both mentally and
physically. Its purpose is to develop you into a world-class officer of character who possesses the American
warrior ethos, embodies the Air Force Core Values and is prepared to lead Airmen. Upon graduation, you’ll
be commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Air Force.

The course is organized into four phases that align all academic curriculum and training events.

Basic Officer Training Phases:

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In the first phase, you’ll acquire the shared common experience of military training. You’ll also begin to learn the basics of leadership and military management.

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In the second phase, you’ll develop your understanding of leadership and the Air Force culture. You’ll also acquire basic skills necessary to become a successful military officer.

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In the third phase, you’ll be given the opportunity to demonstrate hands-on leadership, and your newly learned skills will be put to the test. This includes demonstrating your newfound leadership skills with the arrival of new officer and additional job responsibilities within the officer trainee wing positions.

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In the final phase, you will be prepared to transition from the training environment into the operational Air Force. The phase and the program culminate with your graduation.

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