Tips, Tricks and FAQ

MicroStation/GEOPAK V8i

Geospatial Tools New

GEOPAK Road 2004 Edition

  • The Complete Knucklehead's Guided Tour of GEOPAK 2004 Edition
    An extensive guide to using the Geopak 2004 software. Contains tips and examples that cover a wide range of topics, ranging from setting user preferences to creating cross section sheets.
  • Creating Shapes
    There is an issue creating shapes in Geopak. The work-around is to create the shapes outside of ProjectWise by using a set. The documentation was originally written for running Cross-sections in MicroStation XM, but the same principle holds. Create a set containing the files needed to create the shapes. Create the shapes outside of ProjectWise, then move the files back into ProjectWise, remembering to import the new files created during the shape process.

GEOPAK Site 2004 Edition

  • Quarry Design, Using GEOPAK Site
    In this example, we are furnished a .tin file that represents the existing ground of a material source. The objective is to remove approximately 100,000 cubic meters of rock material within the permitted boundary...

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I Plot Shaded Areas in V8 with Iplot?
    Place your shape over the area you want to have shaded. In this example we'll use a "Place Block" command. You can also place a shape using a complex shape or an ellipse...
  • What are the differences between a Print Queue and a Plot Queue?
    On each of the workstation are two types of queues. They are print queues and plot queues. There are several differences between them, the two main differences being the networks they run on and the intended use for them...
  • About GEOPAK 2004
    How can I create a simple coordinate listing for staking centerline at a given increment? Is there an easy way to store/place the "e" value under the curve data drawn by the D&C Manager? Get answers to these questions and more.

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