
The Technology Deployment program provides various services to our staff in all three division offices. These services provide tools for improving best practices for road planning, design, and construction.

Design Resources

Aesthetic Treatments Photo Album

The Aesthetic Photo Treatment Album (APTA) was initially an interactive DVD demonstrating the different treatment options available for various projects to make them look more appealing. The album has since been updated and is now an interactive website.

Library Resource

FLH Library

The FLH library database is web-hosted by Central Federal Lands Highway Division and is a work-in-progress. The goal is to incorporate all the resource literature, multi-media videos, project pictures, and reports into a searchable database, and allow employees access to the various documents for referencing purposes.

Construction & Design Services


Currently WFL has both a Rovver® 600 and a newer Rovver® 900. The Rovver® is a robotic crawler with a mounted camera and is commercially available.

Acrobat Icon To learn more about the Rovver, see this article.  (Acrobat, 690 KB)


The SeaBotix LBV300®, which is a robotic submarine, has similar capabilities as the Rovver® and is also commercially available.


The ThermaCam® P60 is a compact hand held thermography infrared system that produces color and black and white thermal imagery. This imagery along is supplemented with accurate temperature measurements in both F and C units.