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Wapi Lava Field   »  Summary

Wapi Lava Field

Wapi Lava Field Photo

Country:United States
Subregion Name:Idaho (USA)
Volcano Number:1204-03-
Volcano Type: Shield volcano
Volcano Status:Radiocarbon
Last Known Eruption: 300 BC (?) 
Summit Elevation: 1604 m 5,262 feet
Latitude: 42.88°N * 42°53'0"N
Longitude: 113.22°W 113°13'0"W

The Wapi lava field, SE of the Craters of the Moon, covers about 325 sq km, and consists of a low shield volcano formed during an eruption about 2250 years ago that produced about 6 cu km of fluid pahoehoe lava flows. The small King's Bowl rift immediately to the north was also formed at about the same time along a central eruptive fissure flanked by two parallel non-eruptive fissures. This eruption produced a phreatic explosion that created Kings Bowl, an 80-m-long, 30-m-deep explosion crater. Eruptions of the Wapi lava field also overlapped with the last eruptive period of the Craters of the Moon lava field. The vent area of the Wapi field lies along the Great Rift of the Craters of the Moon and consists of five major and a half dozen minor vents covering an area of 0.5 sq km. The largest of the vents contains several pit craters that truncate lava lakes that filled the crater. Pillar Butte, a mass of layered lava flows and agglutinates, forms the high point of the lava shield. The Split Butte maar to the west is partially overlapped by flows of the Wapi lava field.

Global Volcanism ProgramDepartment of Mineral SciencesNational Museum of Natural HistorySmithsonian Institution

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