
Category Archives: What’s Happening

Speaker Boehner today: “If the court does not strike down the entire law, the House will move to repeal what’s left of it.” To be clear, here’s what the GOP is prescribing: For more rights and benefits House Republicans are … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Another week of Republicans in charge of the House, another week playing politics with the lives of the middle class instead of creating jobs. House Republican refusal to vote on the bipartisan Senate transportation bill has already cost American jobs. Will … Continue reading

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House Republicans have spent the last year and a half running out the clock on the economy and pursuing policies that are dangerous to a thriving middle class. According to CNN, in the 112th Congress just 132 laws have been … Continue reading

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This Congress, House Republicans have made their top priority clear: protecting tax cuts for the wealthiest.  But another poll out today resoundingly shows that the GOP’s top priority is not that of the American people: 26 percent of Americans support … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, What's Happening | Leave a comment

The clock is ticking.  Without House Republican action before July 1st, construction workers will find themselves without work and the safety of our roads and bridges will hang in the balance.  Not to mention that students will be forced to … Continue reading

Posted in Labor and American Jobs, What's Happening | Leave a comment

House Democrats called on Speaker Boehner and the GOP to cancel next week’s recess and stay in session to address America’s top priorities.  House Republicans refused – choosing to run the clock out on the economy instead of working round-the-clock … Continue reading

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Where are House Republicans?  The House GOP is preparing to leave town on Friday for another week-long recess without getting to work on bipartisan jobs bills and middle class priorities. CONSTRUCTION JOBS LEGISLATION A bipartisan construction jobs bill that creates … Continue reading

Posted in Labor and American Jobs, What's Happening | Leave a comment

In a press conference today, Speaker Boehner and Republican leaders defended their plan to protect tax breaks for millionaires, Big Oil and corporations that ship jobs overseas. When asked about Leader Pelosi’s letter calling for an immediate vote to extend … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, General, What's Happening | Leave a comment

This afternoon, House Democrats held a hearing, co-chaired by Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Congressman George Miller (D-CA), to discuss the need for legislation that gives rights to employees to challenge and eliminate pay discrimination in the workplace. The Paycheck … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Rights, Labor and American Jobs, What's Happening | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Speaker John Boehner continues to use taxpayer dollars to defend discrimination by advocating for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) in court.  But yesterday, he and his GOP-led Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) were dealt another blow to their efforts—a … Continue reading

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