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Appendix E
Guide to Pronunciations for Tobacco Products, Alcohol & Drugs

in SAMHSA's National Survey on Drug Use & Health

Brands of Tobacco:
Antonio y Cleopatra an–toe–nee–o ee clee–o–pah–tra
Capri ca–pree
Casa Silva kah–sah sil–vah
Copenhagen kope–en–hay–gun
Cuesta–Rey kwes–ta ray
Doral door–al
El Producto ell pro–duck–to
Garcia y Vega gar–see–ah ee vay–gah
Havatampa hav–ah–tam–pah
La Corona la kah–rone–ah
Macanudos mack–a–noo–doze
Partagas par–tay–gahs
Rigoletto rig–o–let–o
Tijuana Smalls tee–ya–wan–ah smalls
Viceroy vice–a–roy
Alcoholic Beverages:
Cassis kah–sees
Cognac kon–yak
Creme de menthe krem–duh–menth
Drambuie dram–boo–ee
Grand Marnier grand marn–nee–ay
Kahlua kah–loo–ah
Lager lah–gur
Liqueurs li–koors
Muscadine mus–ka–dine
Schnapps shnops
Scuppernong skupp–er–nong
Vermouth ver–mooth
Illicit Drugs:
Hallucinogen ha–loo–sin–oh–jin
Hashish hash–eesh
Heroin hair–roh–in
Marijuana mare–ah–wan–ah
Mescaline mess–ka–lin
Peyote pay–yo–tee
Phencyclidine fen–sigh–kluh–deen
Psilocybin sill–oh–sigh–bin
Aerosol spray air–uh–sol spray
Amyl Nitrite am–mill nigh–trite
Anesthetic an–ness–thet–ick
Ether ee–thur
Halothane hal–oh–thane
Inhalant in–hay–lunt
Lacquer thinner lack–er thin–ner
Nitrous oxide nigh–truss ock–side
Toluene tall–yoo–een
Whippets whip–ets
Prescription Pain Relievers:
Analgesic an–nul–jee–zick
Darvocet–N dar–voh–set–n
Darvon dar–von
Demerol dem–er–all
Dilaudid dye–law–did
Fioricet fee–or–i–set
Fiorinal fee–or–i–nall
Hydrocodone high–dro–koh–done
Lorcet lore–set
Lortab lore–tab
Methadone meth–uh–done
Morphine more–feen
Opiates oh–pee–yuts
OxyContin ock–see–con–tin
Percocet per–koh–set
Percodan per–koh–dan
Phenaphen with Codeine fen–a–fen with koh–deen
Propoxyphene pro–pocks–i–feen
Stadol stay–doll
Talacen tal–uh–sin
Talwin tall–win
Talwin NX tall–win–n–x
Tramadol tram–uh–doll
Tylenol with Codeine tie–luh–nall with koh–deen
Tylox tie–locks
Ultram ul–trum
Vicodin vigh–kuh–din
Prescription Tranquilizers:
Alprazolam al–pra–zoe–lam
Atarax at–uh–racks
Ativan at–uh–van
BuSpar byoo–spar
Clonazepam kluh–na–zuh–pam
Diazepam die–az–uh–pam
Equanil eh–kwuh–nill
Flexeril fleck–suh–rill
Klonopin klaw–nuh–pin
Librium lib–ree–um
Limbitrol lim–bi–trall
Lorazepam luh–raz–uh–pam
Meprobamate meh–pro–bam–ate
Rohypnol roh–hip–nall
Serax seer–racks
Soma so–muh
Tranquilizer trang–kwuh–lie–zer
Tranxene tran–zeen
Valium val–ee–um
Vistaril vis–tah–rill
Xanax zan–acks
Prescription Stimulants:
Amphetamines am–fet–uh–meens
Benzedrine ben–zah–dreen
Biphetamine bye–fet–uh–meen
Cylert sigh–lert
Desoxyn deh–zocks–in
Dexamyl decks–uh–mill
Dexedrine decks–uh–dreen
Dextroamphetamine decks–tro–am–fet–uh–meen
Didrex die–drecks
Eskatrol ess–kah–troll
Fastin fass–tin
Ionamin eye–own–uh–min
Mazanor maz–uh–nor
Methamphetamine meth–am–fet–uh–meen
Methedrine meth–uh–dreen
Methylphenidate meth–ill–fen–i–date
Obedrin – L.A. o–bed–rin – L.A.
Phentermine fen–ter–meen
Plegine pleh–zjeen
Preludin pray–loo–din
Ritalin rit–uh–lin
Sanorex san–uh–recks
Stimulant stim–yoo–lunt
Tenuate ten–you–ate
Prescription Sedatives:
Amytal am–ih–tall
Barbiturates bar–bit–chyoo–ruts or bar–bi–choo–its
Butalbital byoo–tal–bi–tall
Butisol byoo–ti–zall
Chloral Hydrate klor–al high–drate
Dalmane doll–main
Halcion hal–see–on
Methaqualone meth–ack–wuh–lone
Nembutal Sodium nem–byoo–tall–so–dee–um
Pentobarbital pen–toe–bar–bi–tall
Phenobarbital fee–noh–bar–bi–tall
Placidyl pla–si–dill
Quaalude kway–lood
Restoril res–toh–rill
Secobarbital seh–koh–bar–bi–tall
Seconal seh–kuh–nall
Sedative seh–duh–tiv
Sopor so–pore
Temazepam tuh–maz–i–pam
Tuinal two–in–all
Other Words:
CHAMPUS champ–us
CHAMPVA champ–vuh or champ–V.A.


Complete alphabetical listing

Aerosol spray air–uh–sol spray
Alprazolam al–pra–zoe–lam
Amphetamines am–fet–uh–meens
Amyl Nitrite am–mill nigh–trite
Amytal am–ih–tall
Analgesic an–nul–jee–zick
Anesthetic an–ness–thet–ick
Antonio y Cleopatra an–toe–nee–o ee clee–o–pah–tra
Atarax at–uh–racks
Ativan at–uh–van
Barbiturates bar–bit–chyoo–ruts or bar–bi–choo–its
Benzedrine ben–zah–dreen
Biphetamine bye–fet–uh–meen
BuSpar byoo–spar
Butalbital byoo–tal–bi–tall
Butisol byoo–ti–zall
Capri ca–pree
Casa Silva kah–sah sil–vah
Cassis kah–sees
CHAMPUS champ–us
CHAMPVA champ–vuh or champ–V.A.
Chloral Hydrate klor–al high–drate
Clonazepam kluh–na–zuh–pam
Cognac kon–yak
Copenhagen kope–en–hay–gun
Creme de menthe krem–duh–menth
Cuesta–Rey kwes–ta ray
Cylert sigh–lert
Dalmane doll–main
Darvocet–N dar–voh–set–n
Darvon dar–von
Demerol dem–er–all
Desoxyn deh–zocks–in
Dexamyl decks–uh–mill
Dexedrine decks–uh–dreen
Dextroamphetamine decks–tro–am–fet–uh–meen
Diazepam die–az–uh–pam
Didrex die–drecks
Dilaudid dye–law–did
Doral door–al
Drambuie dram–boo–ee
El Producto ell pro–duck–to
Equanil eh–kwuh–nill
Eskatrol ess–kah–troll
Ether ee–thur
Fastin fass–tin
Fioricet fee–or–i–set
Fiorinal fee–or–i–nall
Flexeril fleck–suh–rill
Garcia y Vega gar–see–ah ee vay–gah
Grand Marnier grand marn–nee–ay
Halcion hal–see–on
Hallucinogen ha–loo–sin–oh–jin
Halothane hal–oh–thane
Hashish hash–eesh
Havatampa hav–ah–tam–pah
Heroin hair–roh–in
Hydrocodone high–dro–koh–done
Inhalant in–hay–lunt
Ionamin eye–own–uh–min
Kahlua kah–loo–ah
Klonopin klaw–nuh–pin
La Corona la kah–rone–ah
Lacquer thinner lack–er thin–ner
Lager lah–gur
Librium lib–ree–um
Limbitrol lim–bi–trall
Liqueurs li–koors
Lorazepam luh–raz–uh–pam
Lorcet lore–set
Lortab lore–tab
Macanudos mack–a–noo–doze
Marijuana mare–ah–wan–ah
Mazanor maz–uh–nor
Meprobamate meh–pro–bam–ate
Mescaline mess–ka–lin
Methadone meth–uh–done
Methamphetamine meth–am–fet–uh–meen
Methaqualone meth–ack–wuh–lone
Methedrine meth–uh–dreen
Methylphenidate meth–ill–fen–i–date
Morphine more–feen
Muscadine mus–ka–dine
Nembutal Sodium nem–byoo–tall–so–dee–um
Nitrous oxide nigh–truss ock–side
Obedrin – L.A. o–bed–rin – L.A.
Opiates oh–pee–yuts
OxyContin ock–see–con–tin
Partagas par–tay–gahs
Pentobarbital pen–toe–bar–bi–tall
Percocet per–koh–set
Percodan per–koh–dan
Peyote pay–yo–tee
Phenaphen with Codeine fen–a–fen with koh–deen
Phencyclidine fen–sigh–kluh–deen
Phenobarbital fee–noh–bar–bi–tall
Phentermine fen–ter–meen
Placidyl pla–si–dill
Plegine pleh–zjeen
Preludin pray–loo–din
Propoxyphene pro–pocks–i–feen
Psilocybin sill–oh–sigh–bin
Quaalude kway–lood
Restoril res–toh–rill
Rigoletto rig–o–let–o
Ritalin rit–uh–lin
Rohypnol roh–hip–nall
Sanorex san–uh–recks
Schnapps shnops
Scuppernong skupp–er–nong
Secobarbital seh–koh–bar–bi–tall
Seconal seh–kuh–nall
Sedative seh–duh–tiv
Serax seer–racks
Soma so–muh
Sopor so–pore
Stadol stay–doll
Stimulant stim–yoo–lunt
Talacen tal–uh–sin
Talwin tall–win
Talwin NX tall–win–n–x
Temazepam tuh–maz–i–pam
Tenuate ten–you–ate
Tijuana Smalls tee–ya–wan–ah smalls
Toluene tall–yoo–een
Tramadol tram–uh–doll
Tranquilizer trang–kwuh–lie–zer
Tranxene tran–zeen
Tuinal two–in–all
Tylenol with Codeine tie–luh–nall with koh–deen
Tylox tie–locks
Ultram ul–trum
Valium val–ee–um
Vermouth ver–mooth
Viceroy vice–a–roy
Vicodin vigh–kuh–din
Vistaril vis–tah–rill
Whippets whip–ets
Xanax zan–acks

Table Of Contents

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This page was last updated on May 16, 2008 .

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