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USAID's Major Accomplishments Since 2001


  • Distributed vouchers for improved agricultural inputs to more than one million Afghan farmers across the country
  • Cultivated more than 118,000 hectares of licit agricultural crops with USAID assistance since 2009
  • Established more than 400 veterinary field units
  • Administered more than 26 million vaccinations to livestock
  • Trained more than 633,000 men and women in improved farm and business skills since 2009
  • Established a $100 million Agricultural Development Fund to provide loans to Afghan farmers and on-lending organizations, directly benefitting more than 5,000 farmers across 17 provinces

  Democracy And Governance

  • Helped extend the outreach of the government by strengthening the Civil Service Commission, resulting in the recruitment of 1,100 new civil servants in insecure provinces
  • Increased the participation of women in Afghanistan’s two-year judicial training program by 20 percent; notably, the top ten graduates of the May 2011 graduating class were women
  • Strengthened the institutional capacity of two key governance institutions: the Afghan Parliament and the Independent Election Commission as well as a number of Afghan civil society organizations working on a range of issues from electoral reform to gender empowerment
  • Strengthened the capacity of 112 women-led and/or women-focused organizations, launched the Afghan Women’s Advocacy Coalition, and funded a national policy dialogue conference to discuss policy reform priorities
  • Increased access to independent media by supporting the establishment of 75 active TV stations, more than 175 new radio stations, several hundred print media, and several dozen websites
  • Created more than 100 district level councils, who serve as governance bodies at the district level, advocating for community members, resolving disputes, and serving as a vital source of stability
  • Provided media training to more than 700 female journalists across the country
  • Built the capacity of elected members of the provincial councils and provincial governors in all 34 provinces, strengthening constituent outreach, advocacy, service delivery, and budget planning
  • Increased revenue in 33 municipalities and improved service delivery based on community input

   Economic Growth

  • Helped increase revenue collection, improve the legal and regulatory framework for private sector investment, grow small and medium sized businesses, implement regional trade agreements, and strengthen the government’s capacity to manage the economy
  • Created 490,000 new jobs, which can be directly attributed to USAID programs
  • Helped the Afghan Government increase customs revenue by 400 percent during the past four years, as a result of implementing a centralized collection system, and Increase total public revenue by 225 percent to $1.6 billion
  • Expanded access to telecommunications services from one million to 14 million; there are now four mobile network operators with more than 14 million subscribers, with mobile money services that include salary disbursement and utility bill payment applications
  • Assisted in the licensing of 17 licensed commercial banks with $840 million in outstanding loans and $3.5 billion in deposits
  • Facilitated more than 830,000 micro-finance loans to Afghan women during the last eight years and developed more than 175,000 micro- and small-businesses
  • Launched 50 public-private partnerships leveraging more than $95 million from private sector-partners in insurance, communications/media, apparel, information technology, natural resource extraction, and food processing


  • Contributed to increased enrollment from less than one million in 2003 to more than seven million today, 37 percent of whom are girls, and an increase in teachers from 20,000 to 164,000 (30 percent female)
  • Contributed to increased enrollment in universities from fewer than eight thousand students to 63,000 in 24 higher education institutions and trained more than 53,000 teachers (31 percent female) in 11 provinces
  • Provided community-based schools for more than 103,000 (68 percent female) children in remote areas and supported the development of more than 1,900 school management councils
  • Trained more than 223,100 adult learners in literacy, numeracy, and productive skills courses
  • Printed and distributed more than 97 million textbooks and supported development of the national teacher training curricula, manuals, and materials, which are used in all 34 provinces
  • Supported 132 professors and civil servants in obtaining graduate degrees from U.S. universities
  • Developed the only Master’s in Education degree in Afghanistan at Kabul Education University, graduating 44 professors (50 percent female)


  • Financed 530 health facilities, including six hospitals, in 13 provinces; these facilities served approximately 11,000,000 people in 2011
  • Trained more than 21,000 healthcare providers, including more than 1,700 midwives (accounting for over half of all midwives trained in the past 10 years) and 3,612 community health workers, contributing to a 40 percent contraceptive prevalence rate in the 13 USAID-supported provinces, more than double the national average
  • Contributed to a 16 percent decline in mortality rates for infants during the last 15 years; medically-assisted deliveries also rose rapidly, from 14 percent in 2003 to 34 percent in 2010, contributing to a significant decline in maternal deaths
  • Supported the implementation and institutionalization of the first National Health Accounts, which provide critically important health financing information for planning and long-term sustainability of the Ministry of Public Health
  • Created the Disease Early Warning System, a national system of infectious disease surveillance that collects information on 15 targeted communicable diseases on a weekly basis from 274 sentinel sites across all 34 provinces
  • Developed the national Health Management Information System in the Ministry of Public Health that strengthened monitoring and evaluation of health services and created a culture of evidence-based decision-making


  • Strengthened Afghan capacity to design, build, and maintain roads; increase the supply of reliable electricity; expand access to potable water; and design and construct schools, clinics, and hospitals; since 2006, USAID has invested more than $1.5 billion on infrastructure improvements
  • Rehabilitated nearly 2,500 kilometers of regional and national roads increasing access to marketplaces and international trade; eighty percent of Afghans now live within 50 km of the improved Ring Road, giving Afghans better connections to their country's major transportation routes, and facilitating their access to markets, schools, health clinics and government services
  • Supported the addition of 230 megawatts worth of new electricity generation, providing power to 1.5 million residents
  • Strengthened Afghan capacity to expand access to potable water, manage trans-boundary issues, and govern the water sector
  • Implemented water and sanitation projects in Kabul and rural areas to expand access to water for more than 300,000
  • Supported 230 MW of new electricity generation, providing power to 1.5 million Kabul residents
  • Expanded transmission and distribution nationally while improving technical and management capacities of the national utility


  • Completed more than 7,100 community stabilization grants
  • Generated more than 13.6 million days of employment resulting in small-scale infrastructure improvements addressing priorities jointly identified by communities and local government
  • Documented 1,500 incidents involving harmed Afghan civilians, resulting in more than $8 million of needs-based assistance specifically directed at women
  • Organized distribution of customized assistance to more than 12,300 families in remote and extreme risk areas
  • Communities are demonstrating increased participation and ownership in local development.
  • Increased sub-national government’s engagement with communities and enhanced capacity to understand and respond to grievances
  • Helped increase public perception of government legitimacy and efficacy
  • Led donors in supporting the National Solidarity Program, including community recovery aligned with the Afghanistan Peace and Reconciliation Program