Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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William Shack elected Chairman of NRC's Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards

William Shack

Dr. William J. Shack
Research Program Director,
Nuclear Engineering Division

ARGONNE, IL — (Jan. 12, 2007) The ACRS advises the Commission independently from the NRC staff on the safety and safeguards aspects of nuclear facilities and the adequacy of safety standards. As stated in the NRC's website:

ACRS reviews and advises the Commission with regard to the licensing and operation of production and utilization facilities and related safety issues, the adequacy of proposed reactor safety standards, technical and policy issues related to the licensing of evolutionary and passive plant designs, and other matters referred to it by the Commission. Upon request, reviews and advises with regard to the hazards of the Department of Energy (DOE) nuclear activities and facilities and provides technical advice to the DOE Nuclear Facilities Safety Board. On its own initiative, may conduct reviews of specific safety-related items. Submits an annual report to the Commission commenting on the NRC Safety Research Program.

Dr. Shack received a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a master's degree and doctorate in applied mechanics from the University of California-Berkeley. Previously, Dr. Shack was an associate professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT, and joined the Argonne National Laboratory in 1975, where he is currently research program director in the Nuclear Engineering Division. His work has included measurement and modeling of residual stresses, fracture mechanics analyses of stress corrosion crack growth, assessment of leak-before-break behavior in piping systems, and fatigue of reactor materials. He was appointed to the ACRS in 1993.

NE congratulates Bill for this distinguished achievement. The ACRS Chairmanship is one of the most prestigious positions at NRC. This represents not only a great achievement for Bill, but also an important milestone for NE and Argonne, confirming Argonne's role and reputation as a centre of national and international scientific excellence.

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Last Modified: Thu, June 7, 2012 2:54 PM


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