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Research & Funding


Below is a description of the NIH funding mechanisms. Every NIH institute/center does not use all of these. It is especially important to note whether a funding mechanism permits investigator-initiated applications or whether applications can only be made in response to a Program Announcement (PA) or Request for Applications (RFA).

P01 Research Program Project
To support broadly based, multidisciplinary, often long-term research program with a specific major objective or a basic theme. P01 applications may be investigator-initiated or in response to PA or RFA. Revised December 2009.
P01 Guidelines

P20 Exploratory Grants
To support planning for new programs, modification or existing resources, and feasibility studies. See specific announcements.

P30 Center Core Grants
To support shared use of and facilities for categorical research by investigators from different disciplines.
New Program Announcement for P30 Cancer Center Support Grants

P40 Animal (Mammalian and Non-mammalian)
Model, and Animal and Biological Material Resource Grants
Supports specialized colonies of laboratory animals.
Comparative Medicine website

P41 Biomedical Technology Research Center Grants
To support biotechnology resources available to all qualified investigators without regard to the scientific disciplines or disease orientations of their Research Programs or specifically directed to a categorical program area.
Biomedical Technology Research Centers

P50 Specialized Center (SPORE)
Application made in response to an Institute/Center announcement.
Translational Research Program and SPORE Guidelines

K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award
An opportunity for promising postdoctoral scientists to receive both mentored and independent research support from the same award. The K99 initial phase of mentored support is followed by up to 3 years of independent support contingent on securing an independent research position.
K99/R00 Announcement

R01 Research Project (Traditional)
To support a discrete, specified, circumscribed project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in a scientific area representing his/her specific interest and competencies. Investigators initiate the applications.
NIH Modular Research Grant Applications

R13 Conference Grants
Investigators initiate application. Read the announcement carefully and allow several months prior to the planned conference time for application and review.
NIH Support for Conferences & Scientific Meetings

R21 Exploratory/Developmental Grants
To encourage development of new Research Programs in categorical program areas.
NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21)
Revised New and Early Stage Investigator Policies Consult for a comparison of R21 and R01 grants for new investigators.

R24 Resource-Related Research Projects
To support research projects that will enhance the capability of institutional resources to serve biomedical research. See NIH Guide for announcements.

R33 Exploratory/Developmental Grants Phase II
The R33 award is to provide a second phase for the support for innovative exploratory and development Research Programs initiated under the R21 mechanism.

R41 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) - Phase I
To support cooperative R&D projects between small business concerns and research institutions. Congress mandates funding as a percentage of all agency research funding.
Advice and information on SBIR/STTR programs
NCI SBIR and STTR Information

R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) - Phase II
To support in-depth development of cooperative R&D projects between small business concerns and research institutions, limited in time and amount, whose feasibility has been established in Phase I and that have potential for commercial product(s) or service(s).
Advice and information on SBIR/STTR programs
NCI SBIR and STTR Information

R43 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase I
To support projects, limited in time and amount, to establish the technical merit and feasibility of R&D ideas that may ultimately lead to commercial products or services.
Advice and information on SBIR/STTR programs
NCI SBIR and STTR Information

R44 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) - Phase II
To support in-depth development of R&D ideas whose feasibility have been established in Phase I that are likely to result in commercial products or services.
Advice and information on SBIR/STTR programs
NCI SBIR and STTR Information

R56 NIH High Priority, Short-Term Project Award
To fund, for one or two years, high-priority new or competing renewal R01 applications that fall just outside the limits of funding of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. Investigators may not apply for an R56 grant.
View R56 NIH Guide Notice

S10 Shared Instrumentation Grants
To award funds to institutions so they may purchase state-of-the-art technologies, helping researchers remain at the forefront of biology and medicine.
Biomedical Technology - see Shared Instrumentation Grants

U Series Cooperative Projects
There is substantial NIH programmatic involvement in these usually large projects. See the NCI Grant Mechanisms and Descriptions page for more complete information.