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Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides services for government employees for substance abuse related challenges. The purpose of the Army Employee Assistance Program (EAP), a job-based program is:

  • To help employees in identifying and resolving personal problems that may effect their job performance and well-being.
  • To assist management in addressing productivity issues.
  • To promote installation work/life/wellness programs.


  • All new DAC employees are promptly trained on the availability of EAP services.
  • All supervisors of civilian employees receive training on the signs and symptoms of substance abuse and how and when to make proper use of EAP service. Annual training should be conducted for 33% of assigned supervisors.
  • The purpose and availability of EAP services are actively promoted and publicized throughout the year.
  • A minimum of three hours training on such topics as stress management, EAP services, prevention''s of violence in the workplace etc, will be conducted annually for the civilian workforce.

Abstract / Overview

The U.S. Army has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which is designed to provide free, confidential services, to include; screening to identify the employee's problem, short-term counseling and, when appropriate, a referral to a facility or service (within or outside the Army) that can assist the employee in resolving his or her problem(s). It is the employee's responsibility to follow through with this referral, and to make the necessary financial arrangements for this service. Participation in the EAP is voluntary and, ultimately, it is the employee's decision to participate or not.

EAP services are available for employees who have a substance abuse problem, who are seeking help or whose drug test has been verified positive.

In addition to substance abuse problems, the Army EAP provides comprehensive short-term counseling and referral services to help employees achieve a balance between their work, family, and other personal responsibilities. Job effectiveness can be adversely affected when employees are faced with emotional or behavioral problems, family responsibilities, financial and legal difficulties, and dependent (child/elder) care needs. EAP services can be extremely important in the prevention of, and intervention in, workplace violence incidents.

Managers and supervisors are urged to become familiar with the EAP referral process and to make referrals and/or recommend to employees that they seek help through the installation EAP.

Public Laws 96-180 and 96-181 authorized Federal agencies to provide short-term counseling services, to the extent feasible, to employees and their family members who have substance abuse problems. Public Law 99-570. The Federal Employee Substance Abuse Education and Treatment Act of 1986, and Title 5 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 792, require Federal agencies to establish appropriate prevention, treatment, and rehabilitative programs and services for alcohol and drug abuse problems for Federal civilian employees.

Executive Order 12564 requires Federal agencies to establish drug-free Federal workplace programs, including an EAP, as an essential element in achieving a drug-free workforce. Agencies must refer all employees found to be using illegal drugs to the EAP for assessment, short-term counseling, and referral for treatment or rehabilitation, as appropriate. Confidentiality is the corner stone of an effective EAP. Employee confidence in the competence and trustworthiness of the EAP staff plays a key role in program success. EAP staff must be familiar with the provisions of the Privacy Act ( 5 U.S.C. 552a(b), as well as the Alcohol and Drug Patient Confidentiality Regulation provisions contained in 42 CFR. Part 2.

The promotion of EAP services is crucial. Methods used most frequently to promote the EAP include: e-mail messages to employees; new employee orientation programs; EAP publicity at installation health fairs; supervisory handbooks; lunchtime awareness programs, special briefing and seminars for managers, employees, union stewards and installation leadership.

Basic Functions

EAP Services to Employees and Supervisors:

  • Assessment, problem identification, and short-term counseling/intervention.
  • Referral for treatment and rehabilitation to appropriate community counseling/treatment resources.
  • Follow-up services to aid an employee in achieving an effective readjustment to his or her job after treatment.
  • Training and education for supervisors and employees about alcohol and drugs.

EAP Services to the Installation Organization:

  • Training and consultation for supervisors and managers on how and when to make proper use of EAP services for improving employee performance and conduct.
  • Consultation to management about trends in employee needs, work groups, and related concerns dealing with work/life/wellness support programs.

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Page Last Modified: Sep 24, 2009 (EDT)