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Gainful Employment Information

Gainful Employment Information 

On June 30, 2012, the Department received a court ruling in a legal challenge which affects the implementation of the Gainful Employment regulations. We are reviewing the court's decision and our legal and policy options to move forward in a way that best protects students and taxpayers.

Final regulations published in the Federal Register on October 29, 2010, require institutions to report certain information about students who enrolled in Title IV eligible educational programs that lead to gainful employment in a recognized occupation (GE programs). Those regulations also provide that institutions must disclose to prospective students certain information about the institution’s GE Programs. Finally, the new regulations require institutions to notify the Department if they wish to add an additional GE Program to its list of Title IV eligible programs. All of these requirements are effective July 1, 2011.

The Secretary published additional regulations related to the program eligibility metrics that will be calculated for gainful employment programs in the Federal Register on June 13, 2011.

Please visit this page for information and updates as they become available.

Provides published regulations and Federal Register Notices pertaining to Gainful Employment Programs.

Provides the Department’s guidance on Gainful Employment in Dear Colleague Letters and Electronic Announcements.

These Frequently Asked Questions provide information and operational guidance on the requirements of the new gainful employment regulations. Institutions must review the final regulations as published in the Federal Register on October 29, 2010, to ensure that they are in compliance with all of the GE Program requirements.

The listing of Frequently Asked Questions will be updated periodically and include the date of the update. New and/or updated questions and answers will be marked NEW and appear in red font. If you have questions that have not been addressed, please submit them to the GE Questions mailbox at and include the name of the institution.

Provides upcoming training opportunities and links to previously held webinars and other training.

Provides links to resources with valuable information on gainful employment.

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