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Online Learning Resources for parents and teachers


| DODEA Curriculum Standards Clip Art Resources | General Resources |  Language Arts | 
| Mathematics |  Publish Student Works |  ScienceSocial Studies| Teacher Training | 

DoDEA Standards:

DODEA Curriculum Standards - Lists of standards, resources and curriculum by subject and then by grade level. Use the sidebar on the top right of this page to access the information.
National Educational Technology Standards for Students - These are the current standards that we use to guide us in our technology development at OAES.

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Language Arts:

Choice Literacy The year's best new read alouds.
Children's Literature Across the Curriculum - Lesson plans to integrate children's literature throughout the curriculum from the University of North Carolina - Charlotte..
Series Book Titles - This web site lists all the titles of books in popular children's series.
S.C.O.R.E. Cyberguides - Links to lessons that include online activities for K- 8 literature created by teachers in California.
Starfall - Great website for beginning and emerging readers. Has text and sounds of stories and activities. Stories are related to consonant and letter sounds.
Basic Cozy Spelling Course - This is a free online spelling curriculum, including worksheets and lesson, for home schoolers but also appropriate for classroom use.
Everyday Spelling - Spelling lists, worksheets, and reference sources from Scotts-Foreman to help students with everyday spelling words.
Spelling Worksheets and Lessons - This Ed-Helper has spelling worksheets and lessons listed by grade.

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General Resources:

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - Links to online resources for educators. Indexed by subject.
Free Printable Worksheets - Free printable worksheets for K-5 in all subject areas.
CyberSchoolBus - This United Nations curriculum site contains information on topics of worldwide interest such as cities, peace, human rights, poverty, women's rights, etc. It offers complete lesson plans and resources for teaching the lessons.
Educators' Knowledge Center - This site offers a bounty of useful resources for anyone involved with education. "This knowledge center is an integrated system of online tools for sharing information and resources for teachers and administrators. This FREE resource will help to enrich your development as a professional educator. You can share your classroom materials, join a live Video Conference, have a private Text Chat with multiple colleagues, post questions to other educators, and much more." This site is developed by TRECC (Technology Research, Education, and Commercialization Center), which collaborates with education and business communities to advance the integration of technological innovations into schools and workplaces.
Enchanted Learning - Curriculum material online with over 25,000 web pages sourced for you. Also has some links to student pages.
Graphic Organizers - Great resource for graphic organizers from Education Place.
TeacherVision® - A great resource: lesson plans, printable graphic organizers, and everything else. Organized by grade and then subject. A ton of downloadable stuff ready to go.
TeacherTube - YouTube for education. Worth a look: videos, docs, audio, podcasts, blogs, teacher resources. This site is a bit uneven in quality, but it is worth a look. Free membership fee.
Kidspiration Templates - Prepared templates about many topics, organized by grade level. Just download and use with Kidspiration. Designed for student use. From Concord Elementary School.
New York Times Learning Network - This website has a student web to keep the students informed about current events and a teacher's web that provides lesson plans and activities for current events. There are also daily quizzes and vocabulary development activities for students.
SMART™ Board Lessons - SMART Board lessons from EdCompass, the makers of the SMART Board.
Harvey's Homepage - More resources for using the SMART™ Board. Includes a lot of lessons that can be downloaded and used immediately.
What Works Clearinghouse - On an ongoing basis, the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) collects, screens, and identifies studies of the effectiveness of educational interventions (programs, products, practices, and policies).

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EconEdLink Lessons - Class tested economics lessons for grades K-12.
Interactive Mathematics - Contains interactive math lessons for Pre K - 12th grade. Great for use with the Smart Board.
Multiplication Mystery - Multiplication Mystery is an interactive online activity from Harcourt. Great for use with the Smart Board.
S.M.A.R.T. - Student Math Activity Resource Tools from Howard County Public Schools, Maryland provides Internet links to math activities and math concept resources by grade level K-6.

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Bill Nye Labs - Printable episode guides to Bill Nye: The Science Guy programs.
Digital Library for Earth Sytem Education (DLESE) - This web site offers great teaching resources and information about the planet earth. It is a geoscience community resource that supports teaching and learning about the Earth system. It is funded by the National Science Foundation.
Doodles, Drafts, and Drawings - This exhibit walks you through the creative process for the industrial drawings of a variety of inventions, such as the bra, the shopping cart, and Crayola crayons.
E.P.A. Teaching Center - This site targets both formal and nonformal educators who wish to teach about the environment. It offers background information on a variety of topics, lesson plans, and activities that work in and out of the classroom. You will also find information on workshops, conferences, grants, awards and a variety of other information that will assist you in your educational goals whether you teach in a traditional classroom setting, an outdoor classroom, a community center or in your home. See the EPA Kids Center on the Student Links webpage.
Live Science - Imaginova, the producers of, have launched the new website, covering "new discoveries, intellectual adventures, and the idiosyncrasies of the world around us." Materials cover most science and technology fields, the Forces of Nature and Environment links are most relevant to the physical sciences. Through the exciting articles and images, users are kept up-to-date on the latest science news and events. Visitors can easily browse the articles by topic and view the most recent postings.
Science Teacher (National Teacher Enhancement Network) - Resources for K-12 science teachers sponsored by the Montana State University and funded by the National Science Foundation.
Quizlet - A site for creating interactive, virtual flash cards (free account). - This is a site for creating interactive and collaborative mind maps, concept maps, brainstorming webs (free account).

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Social Studies:

Holidays Around the World - From Education World, this site provides information and lesson ideas for holidays around the world.
S.C.O.R.E. History/Social Studies - Links to Internet resources by grade level and topic from teachers in California.
Patchwork of African American Life - Links to great site from Knowledge Network Explorer. Links include treasure hunts, webquests, and information about African American history and culture.

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Publish Student Works:

Book Hooks - Publish book reviews online.
Crunch - This government web site is a safe online outlet to publish your students' written work. Students are invited to share their opinions on this e-zine. The editors provide the topics and the guidelines, and students write reviews, poetry, or stories. - This site publishes student poetry and stories.
KidPub - This site, a great resource to publish student work, contains over 40,000 stories from kids.

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Clip Art Resources:

Discovery School Clipart Cute copyright free clip art for teachers and students.
Icon Archive - Free icons library.
Kids Domain Clip Art - Clip art for special occassions.
Teacher Files - Free educational clipart.
The Teacher's Guide - Copyright free educational clipart.
Pics4Learning - Pics4Learning is a copyright-friendly image library for teachers and students. The Pics4Learning collection consists of thousands of images that have been donated by students, teachers, and amateur photographers.

Only use when expressly allowed to do so. Give your clip art source credit on your web page or publication and provide a link to the source.

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Teacher Online Training:

Atomic Learning - Great resource for all kinds of training on applications we use every day in school. Uses short videos as well as an extensive selection of searchable documents.

Requires a login:
Username: pacteacher
Password: pacteacher

Tech4Learning - Lots of great help for the Tech4Learning suite of products. Requires creating an account, but it is free.

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