USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Geochemical Reference Materials and Certificates

Archival Certificates

Certificates for Reference Materials that are no longer available.

Material Type Size Location Certificate
AGV-1 Andesite 30 g Oregon AGV-1 PDF
(PDF file, 220 KB)
BHVO-1 Basalt 30 g Hawaii BHVO-1 PDF
(PDF file, 272 KB)
DTS-1 Dunite 30 g Washington DTS-1 PDF
(PDF file, 248 KB)
G-2 Granite 30 g Rhode Island G-2 PDF
(PDF file, 262 KB)
MAG-1 Marine Sediment 30 g Massachusetts MAG-1 PDF
(PDF file, 322 KB)
RGM-1 Rhyolite 30 g California RGM-1 PDF
(PDF file, 259 KB)
SDO-1 Devonian Ohio Shale 80 g Kentucky SDO-1 PDF
(PDF file, 227 KB)
STM-1 Syenite 30 g Oregon STM-1 PDF
(PDF file, 415 KB)

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Questions about the reference standards - Contact Steve Wilson
Page Last Modified: 09-Jan-2013@14:30