USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Rudy Gharib

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Remembering USAID’s Ragaei Abdelfattah

A plaque bearing his name was adjoined to a memorial remembering fallen USAID staff. Photo Credit: USAID

On Friday, USAID honored a fallen colleague and friend, Ragaei Abdelfattah, who lost his life in Afghanistan Read more >>

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VIDEO of the Week: President Obama

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Yesterday, President Barack Obama was the first sitting U.S. President to visit Burma. There, he officially opened the USAID mission after a 24-year hiatus. “Today, I was proud to reestablish our USAID mission in this country, which is our lead development agency,” said President Obama. The President affirmed the United States’ partnership  in helping Burma, [...]

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Working Together to Save Moms & Kids in Afghanistan

A decade ago, Afghanistan’s health system collapsed, leaving crumbling and neglected infrastructure, widespread prevalence of malnutrition, infectious disease, and some of the highest maternal mortality rates the world had ever seen.

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Live from UNGA: Day One


This week, Administrator Shah and other Agency leaders are participating in several events taking place during and around the 67th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Sunday evening we kicked off our week here in New York at the Social Good Summit, a three-day conference where big ideas meet new media [...]

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Equal Futures Partnership Advances Global Women’s Opportunities

I am excited to have just returned from the kick-off of the Equal Futures Partnership to expand women’s opportunities around the world. The event was held in New York City and part of a number of events USAID is participating in during the United Nations General Assembly this week.

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‘Reaching the Moon’ in Global Health

As the U.N. General Assembly opens, we are in the midst of a global health revolution. Our collective work has delivered extraordinary results – a 70 percent decline in child mortality over the last 50 years, a 41 percent reduction since 1990 alone. Read more>>

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USAID Book Club: A Farewell to Alms

As part of USAID’s Fall Semester, we will host an online book club for our readers this fall. The Impact Blog will post reading suggestions from our senior experts at USAID to suggest a book on important issues in international development. Read more >>

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Photo of the Week: Secretary Clinton visits Malawi

Secretary Clinton With the Lumbadzi Milk Bulking Group in Malawi  Dairy farmer Margaret Chinkwende explains her work to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Martin Banda of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in Lilongwe, Malawi, August 5, 2012. Photo Credit: State Department photo/ Public Domain]

Secretary of State Clinton visits farmers at Malawi’s Lumbadzi Milk Bulking Group. Dressed in locally produced “chitenge”, she joined the farmers in a dance to celebrate successful growth in the dairy sector. Chitenge are highly valued cultural depictions of special events in Malawi. During her visit, the Secretary noted that with U.S. support, Malawi’s dairy sector has grown, [...]

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Progress, Promise, and Peril: A Generation of Change for Civil Society in Europe and Eurasia

This week, I had the pleasure of moderating a discussion about progress, promise, and peril debating a generation of change for civil society in Europe & Eurasia. We were fortunate to be joined in Washington DC by prolific leaders: Doug Rutzen, President and CEO of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law; Nadia Diuk, Vice President [...]

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Title IX creates Opportunities for Women in Sports and Development

When Title IX was enacted, I was just six years old and had no idea how this one piece of legislation ensuring equal rights for women in sport and education would impact me and millions of girls over the next four decades. Having equal access to participate in athletics did far more than just pay [...]

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