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West Point Research Centers and Programs 

West Point Academic and Support Centers

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What's New in West Point Research Activities?

Photonics Research Center Receives Review by External Panel Mindflex Game Code War
CDT Jordan Smith uses the High Energy Laser in the Photonics Research Center for research on pre-detonating a mortar round in flight.
USMA Network Science Center Research on Shaping Terror Networks project was featured on the website.
Power, torque, gear-train design, and engineering trade-offs simulating the lifting of supplies up a mountain.
Cadet Julian Watson demonstrates the Mind Flex that uses electroencephalography (EEG) sensors attached to the participant's head to power various games.
On 26 JAN 13, USMA firsties competed in the Windward International Collegiate Programming Championship or "Code War."


The Dean's Weekly Activity Reports

Dean's Weekly Significant Activities Report 16 January 2013.pdf
1/31/2013 9:21 AMPatrick Gill
Dean's Weekly Significant Activities Report 23 January 2013.pdf
2/4/2013 10:44 AMPatrick Gill
Dean's Weekly Significant Activities Report 30 January 2013.pdf
2/4/2013 10:44 AMPatrick Gill
Dean's Weekly Significant Activities Report 6 February 2013.pdf
2/11/2013 8:41 AMPatrick Gill