Press Releases

  • Congressman Scott DesJarlais Votes in Favor of “Require a Plan Act”

    Feb 06 2013

    This legislation would require the White House to produce a balanced budget within a 10-year window or provide a supplemental budget plan by April 1, 2013 that identifies which fiscal year their plan would achieve balance. “House Republicans have passed a budget every year since regaining control of the chamber in 2010, yet the Democratic-controlled Senate and the administration have refused to act,” said Congressman DesJarlais. “My constituents in Tennessee must live within ...

  • Congressman Scott DesJarlais Comments on Labor Department’s January Jobs Report

    Feb 01 2013

    “While government bureaucracy continues to flourish in the Obama Economy, hardworking Tennesseans are still struggling to make ends meet. “Rather than focusing on jobs, President Obama believes that restricting our Second Amendment rights is the most important thing for the federal government to address. This president is more concerned about global warming than the $16 trillion debt that is holding back job creation and threatening the future of our children and grandchildre...

  • Representative Scott DesJarlais Votes Against Legislation Raising the Debt Limit

    Jan 23 2013

    “I have made my position clear from the beginning: Any increase in the debt limit needs to be offset with an equal amount of spending cuts. Unfortunately, today’s legislation did not contain a single spending cut or reform in return for giving this president an open-ended three month debt limit increase. At this administration’s spending levels that would mean an extra $250 billion of new debt. “The debt crisis we have been warned about is here. The time for action has to be ...

  • Representative Scott DesJarlais Statement on December Unemployment Report

    Jan 04 2013

    Representative Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04) released the following statement on the December Jobs Report showing that unemployment rose to 7.8 percent and the economy added 155,000 jobs: “America continues to experience an anemic economic recovery that is hampering job creation here in Tennessee. Businesses in my district know that today’s deficit spending will have to be paid with tomorrow’s taxes. That is why I voted against the fiscal cliff bill that raised taxes on job ...

  • Representative Scott DesJarlais Sworn into 113th Congress

    Jan 03 2013

    Representative Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04) will be sworn in today as a member of the 113th Congress by House Speaker John Boehner. Speaker Boehner will conduct the ceremonial swearing-in for Rep. DesJarlais and his family following the official oath of office on the floor of the United States House of Representatives. Rep. DesJarlais issued the following statement: “I am humbled that the people of Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District have given me the honor to once ag...

  • DesJarlais and Colleagues Seek Answers to Terrorist Attack in Benghazi

    Nov 09 2012

    Representative Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04) sent a letter to President Barack Obama and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton demanding answers to questions regarding the events leading up to and following the September 11, 2012, terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi. The letter, which was signed by 53 members of the House, asks the following: · Why did administration officials deny repeated requests for stronger security measures from U.S. personnel on the gr...

  • DesJarlais and Oversight Colleagues Demand More Detailed, Comprehensive Answers from IRS and Treasury

    Oct 23 2012

    Representative Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04), along with Chairman of the House Oversight Committee Darrell Issa (CA-49) and Subcommittee Chairman of the Health Care, District of Columbia, Census and National Archives Chairman Trey Gowdy (SC-04), sent a letter to IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman and Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, following up on a August 20th letter requesting documents and communications stemming from a finalized IRS rule related to Obamacare. T...

  • Andrew P. Carpenter Tax Act to Receive Vote on House Floor Wednesday

    Sep 17 2012

    The Andrew P. Carpenter Tax Act, introduced by Representative Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04) will be voted on Wednesday, September 19, 2012. This legislation would amend the Internal Revenue Code by exempting student loan forgiveness from being categorized as gross taxable income for families of veterans who have lost their life while serving on active duty in the United States Armed Forces. Lance Corporal Andrew P. Carpenter of Columbia, Tennessee lost his life on February 1...

  • U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais Honored as Guardian of Small Business by NFIB

    Sep 13 2012

    The National Federation of Independent Business, the nation’s leading small business association, today named U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais (TN-4) a Guardian of Small Business for his outstanding voting record on behalf of America’s small-business owners in the 112th Congress. NFIB President and CEO Dan Danner praised Rep. DesJarlais for “standing for small business.” In presenting the group’s coveted Guardian of Small Business Award, Danner said, “Small-business owners pay clos...

  • Representative DesJarlais Statement on August Unemployment Numbers

    Sep 07 2012

    On Friday, September 07, 2012, the Labor Department released an economic report showing that U.S. employers added less than the expected 96,000 jobs in August. Additionally, the department stated that the unemployment rate went from 8.3% to 8.1% due to 368,000 people simply dropping out of the labor force last month and not even looking for a job. Representative DesJarlais issued the following statement: “If only the answer to our jobs crisis was soaring rhetoric and well del...