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Trade Finance Guide: A Quick Reference for U.S. Exporters, 2007

cover imageNote: This guide has been updated for 2008. Please see the new version.

Trade Finance Guide: A Quick Reference for U.S. Exporters has been written to help U.S. companies, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), learn the fundamentals of trade finance to turn their export opportunities into actual sales and to achieve the ultimate goal: to get paid for their export sales. Eleven concise, two-page chapters offer the basics of numerous financing techniques, from open accounts, to forfaiting, to government assisted foreign buyer financing.

(April 2007; 28 pages)


Note: This guide has been updated for 2008. Please see the new version.

The Trade Finance Guide 2007 is available in PDF format as a complete document and as individual chapters.

Complete Guide
Chapter 1 Methods of Payment in International Trade
Chapter 2 Cash-in-Advance
Chapter 3 Letters of Credit
Chapter 4 Documentary Collections
Chapter 5 Open Account
Chapter 6 Export Working Capital Financing
Chapter 7 Government-Guaranteed Export Working Capital Programs
Chapter 8 Export Credit Insurance
Chapter 9 Export Factoring
Chapter 10 Forfaiting
Chapter 11 Government Assisted Foreign Buyer Financing

Reprint: National Technical Information Service
Order Number: To come
Paper, CD, microfiche, or electronic download

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