In The News

  • Tennessee lawmakers critical of Obama's State of the Union

    Feb 13 2013

    Republican lawmakers from Tennessee spent more time in their seats than their Democratic colleagues Tuesday night as they attended President Barack Obama's State of the Union address… For Rep. Scott DesJarlais, Obama's address was déjà vu. "Same speech, different year," he said in a phone interview from his Washington, D.C., office. "High on rhetoric, low on solutions." Regarding Obama's calls for a "balanced approach to deficit reduction," DesJarlais, who also voted in opposition to the Budget Control Act of 2011, said the comments carried little weight.

  • Fleischmann, DesJarlais, Graves Respond To State Of The Union Address

    Feb 13 2013

    President Obama delivered the annual State of the Union Tuesday evening… Congressman Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (TN-04) released the following statement: "Once again President Obama’s rhetoric simply does not match his actions. While the president talks about building a stronger middle class, his policies are placing heavier burdens on all hardworking Americans.

  • East Tennessee reaction: Lawmakers disappointed by Obama's speech

    Feb 13 2013

    East Tennessee's congressional delegation responded to President Barack Obama's State of the Union address with disappointment…U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais, R-Jasper: "While the president may have talked about the importance of building a stronger middle class, in reality his policies are placing a heavy burden on all hardworking Americans."

  • Middle ground on gun laws not from greater Chattanooga area

    Feb 11 2013

    Last October, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor didn't just get an "A" rating from the National Rifle Association. He got the coveted 100, a rare perfect score: A+… U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais epitomized the collective response. Through a spokesman, the Jasper Republican said he "continues to be a staunch defender of the Second Amendment."

  • Gun control debate highlights political divide

    Feb 07 2013

    As the discussion of gun control continues to heat up, U.S. Rep. Scott DesJarlais witnessed first hand Friday how the issue has thrust opposing viewpoints of constitutional interpretation at the forefront of political discourse.

  • Rep. Scott DesJarlais District Office Working Hard For County Residents

    Feb 07 2013

    Congressman Scott DesJarlais (TN-04) district office in Winchester recently relocated to the third floor of the Federal Building on 200 S. Jefferson Street. The office hours are Monday – Friday 8–11 a.m. The office offers constituents assistance with navigating federal programs and agencies. Representative DesJarlais said that providing the best possible constituent services is a top priority for him and his staff. Three district offices have been set up in the fourth district to assist in that effort. Those offices are located in Winchester, Columbia, and Crossville.

  • Reps. Chuck Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais criticize lack of budget on House floor

    Feb 06 2013

    Action on the House floor Tuesday included remarks by both Rep. Chuck Fleischmann and Rep. Scott DesJarlais, who maligned the recent passing of a federally mandated budget deadline for the Obama administration… DesJarlais lamented the time that had elapsed since the most recent budget approval. "It's been more than four years since the White House operated under a budget," he said. "It's not a coincidence that each of these four years has brought a trillion dollar deficit." Along with offering disapproval, both Fleischmann and DesJarlais stated their support for the Require a Plan Act, a recent piece of GOP legislation geared at requiring the president to state when he intends to balance a budget, along with submitting the financial plan.

  • DesJarlais Votes In Favor Of “Require A Plan Act”

    Feb 06 2013

    Congressman Scott DesJarlais, M.D. (Tn.-04) on Wednesday voted in favor of the “Require a Plan Act” introduced by Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (Ga.-06). This legislation would require the White House to produce a balanced budget within a 10-year window or provide a supplemental budget plan by April 1, that identifies which fiscal year their plan would achieve balance.

  • Lawmakers seek reductions as sequester looms

    Feb 05 2013

    With a short-term suspension of the debt ceiling in the rearview mirror, eyes in Washington have turned to the next impending fiscal hurdle—a $1.2 trillion mix of cuts to mandatory and discretionary spending set to be implemented in less than one month, known as sequestration...Through a spokesman, Rep. Scott DesJarlais suggested he was willing to leave the expiration of the sequestration deadline on the table but was also open to alternatives that met his standard for equivalent deficit reductions. "The congressman does not support simply doing away with the sequester because it would show the private sector that the federal government is still not serious about controlling deficit spending," Robert Jameson, spokesman for DesJarlais, said in an emailed statement. "That being said, Rep. DesJarlais believes the House and Senate should and can pass legislation that would allow these spending reductions to come from all areas of government and not just the military and our seniors." Both Fleischmann and DesJarlais voted in opposition to the Budget Control Amendment when it was passed in August of 2011.

  • DesJarlais Meets With Residents To Discuss Issues - Congressman Makes Stop In Home County

    Feb 05 2013

    Congressman Scott DesJarlais, of the Fourth Tennessee Congressional District, made a stop at Dutch Maid Bakery in Jasper, Tennessee on Wednesday, January 30. Congressman DesJarlais took questions from attendants on a variety of areas including the national budget, veteran's affairs, defense spending, education, tax reform, gas prices, and gun control legislature. The Congressman also discussed his recent trip to the Middle East and the people's reactions to the American people.