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Mission Statement

Embassy Mission Statement

May 2010
U.S. Embassy Warsaw Seal

U.S. Embassy Warsaw Seal

The American Embassy in Warsaw protects and promotes American interests and develops relations with Poland through contacts with the Polish government, business, labor, agriculture, media and education leaders.

Led by the United States Ambassador, the Embassy team:

  • Explains and advocates the position of the United States Government on bilateral and multi-lateral political, economic, social, and scientific issues.
  • Reports to the United States Government positions taken in Poland on issues of interest to it.
  • Carries out a wide-ranging assistance program designed to help promote democracy and a strong market economy in Poland.
  • Promotes the sale of American goods and services and American business interests in Poland and the region.
  • Provides protection and documentary services to United States citizens and visa and other documentary services to foreign nationals.
  • Facilitates cultural and educational exchange between the United States and Poland. Maintains contact between the Polish military services and their United States counterparts and facilitates cooperative activities in the region.