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Sep 1, 1999

Billing Code: 4910-60-P
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

Potential Failure Due to Brittle-Like Cracking Certain Polyethylene Plastic Pipe Manufactured by Century Utility Products Inc.

AGENCY: Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice; issuance of advisory bulletin on Century polyethylene gas pipe to owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems.

SUMMARY: This advisory bulletin is directed at owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems that have installed plastic pipe extruded by Century Utility Products Inc. from Union Carbide Corporation's DHDA 2077 Tan medium density polyethylene resin (Century pipe). Pipe manufactured between 1970 and 1973 may fail in service due to its poor resistance to brittle-like cracking. Operators with Century pipe in their systems should closely monitor this pipe for leaks with increased leak survey frequency. Century pipe that may be improperly installed, repaired, or operating in an environment that impairs pipe strength should be replaced.

ADDRESS: This document can be viewed on the Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS) home page at: http://ops.dot.gov.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Gopala (Krishna) Vinjamuri at (202) 366- 4503, or by E-mail at vinjamuri@PHMSA.dot.gov.


I. Background

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recently published the results of a special investigation into accidents that involved plastic pipe currently in use to deliver natural gas to residential and business use. The report, Brittle-Like Cracking in Plastic Pipe for Gas Service (NTSB/SIR-98/01; April 23, 1998) suggested that "[d]espite the general acceptance of plastic piping as a safe and economical alternative to piping made of steel and other materials, [a] number of pipeline accidents investigated have involved plastic piping that cracked in a brittle-like manner." Copies of this report may be obtained from NTSB Public Inquiry Office by calling 202-314-6551.

The phenomenon of brittle-like cracking in plastic pipe as described in the NTSB report and generally understood within the plastic pipeline industry relates to a part-through crack initiation in the pipe wall followed by stable crack growth at stress levels much lower than the stress required for yielding, resulting in a very tight slit-like opening and gas leak. This failure mode is difficult to detect until significant amount of gas leaks out of the pipe, and potentially migrates into closed space such as basements of dwellings. Premature brittle-like cracking requires relatively high localized stress intensification that may be a result from geometrical discontinuities, excessive bending, improper fitting assemblies, and/or dents and gouges. Because this failure mode exhibits no evidence of gross yielding at the failure location, the term brittle-like cracking is used. This phenomenon is different from brittle fracture, in which the failure results in fragmentation of the pipe.

NTSB also alleged that the guidance provided by manufacturers and industry standards for the installation of plastic pipe is inadequate for limiting stress intensification, particularly at plastic service connections to steel mains, many of these connections may have been installed without adequate protection from shear and bending forces that may result in brittle-like cracking.

Century pipe

Between 1970 and 1973, Century Utility Products Inc. (a/k/a AMDEVCO), now defunct, marketed medium density polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings (Century pipe) in sizes ranging from ½ inch to 4 inches for use in natural gas distribution. These plastic pipes and fittings were manufactured by extrusion from Union Carbide Corporation's DHDA 2077 Tan resin, and was marked PE 2306 in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards. Following investigation of a series of incidents, including the December 2, 1979, explosion in a residence in Tuscola, Illinois, and the October 17, 1994, accident in Waterloo, Iowa, that resulted in several fatalities, it was established that the Union Carbide's DHDA 2077 Tan resin lacks adequate resistance to brittle-like cracking and is prone to relatively short life when subjected to high local stress concentration. The pipe in the Tuscola, Illinois, accident failed in less than 8 years, and the pipe in the Waterloo, Iowa, accident failed within 23 years in service. It has been established that Century pipe exhibited significantly higher leak rate in comparison with other polyethylene, steel, and cast iron pipe used in natural gas distribution systems.

Following the Waterloo, Iowa, accident, PHMSA has taken number of actions, including gathering Century pipe installation data. Also, remedial action has been taken by various operators in mid-western states where much of the Century pipe produced was known to have been installed. It is PHMSA's understanding that the operators having Century pipe in their systems have initiated close monitoring and some have replacement program in progress.

NTSB recommended that PHMSA notify owners and operators of natural gas systems who continue to use Century pipe of the potential for premature failures by brittle-like cracking and the need to "[d]evelop a plan to closely monitor the performance of and to identify and replace, in a timely manner, any piping that indicates poor performance based on such evaluation factors as installation, operating and environmental conditions, piping failure characteristics and leak history."

II. Advisory Bulletin (ADB-99-01)

To: Owners and Operators of Natural Gas Distribution Pipeline Systems

Subject: Susceptibility of certain polyethylene pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products Inc. to premature failure due to brittle-like cracking.

Purpose: To advise natural gas distribution pipeline owners and operators of the need to closely monitor and replace as necessary polyethylene natural gas pipe manufactured by Century Utility Products Inc. between 1970 and 1973 that is susceptible to brittle-like cracking.

Advisory: All owners and operators of natural gas distribution systems who have installed and continue to use polyethylene pipe extruded by Century Utility Products Inc, (now defunct) from the resin DHDA 2077 Tan resin manufactured by Union Carbide Corporation during the period 1970 to 1973 (Century pipe) are advised that this pipe may be susceptible to premature failure due to brittle-like cracking. Premature failures by brittle-like cracking of Century pipe is known to occur due to poor resin characteristics, excessive local stress intensification caused by improper joints, improper installation, and environments detrimental to pipe long-term strength. All distribution systems containing Century pipe should be monitored to identify pipe subject to brittle-like cracking. Remedial action, including replacement, should be taken to protect system integrity and public safety.

In addition, in light of the potential susceptibility of Century pipe to brittle-like cracking, PHMSA recommends that each natural gas distribution system operator with Century pipe revise their plastic pipe repair procedure(s) to exclude pipe pinching for isolating sections of Century pipe. Additionally, PHMSA recommends replacement of any Century pipe segment that has a significant leak history or which for any reason is of suspect integrity.

(49 U.S.C. Chapter 601; 49 CFR 1.53)

Issued in Washington, D.C. on _____________________.

Richard B. Felder

Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety

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