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Public Announcements

Solicitation No. PR1894313 – Questions and Answers

August 14, 2012

Dear Madam/Sir,

The following questions have been submitted in reference to the “English Language Course for the US Embassy” RFQ.  Per U.S. Government regulations, all bidders receive identical information regarding the bid, including responses to any questions.

  • How many references and teacher certificates are required?  Do they need to be translated into English, and if so, are sworn translations required?

Answer:  There is no minimum number, other than Bidders should provide the best possible information to allow the contracting officer to make an informed decision.  References and certificates can be submitted in either Polish or English.  We recommend whichever format is easiest and least costly for the Bidder.

  • With reference to other points of Section 4, will the Bidder’s statement be sufficient?  If not, what documents should be submitted to confirm that the Bidder complies with the requirements of the U.S. Government?

Answer:  The Bidder should provide reasonable documentation to show that the Bidder can meet the requirements specified in Section 4.  Such documentation may vary widely in nature; some requirements are more general, and may be reasonably met by a statement from the Bidder.  Bidders should present their best documentation to enable the contracting officer to make an informed decision.