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Ambassador Hosts Reception In Honor Of Visiting U.S. Universities

February 05, 2013
Ambassador Hosts Reception In Honor Of Visiting U.S. Universities

Ambassador Hosts Reception In Honor Of Visiting U.S. Universities

As part of the Embassy’s commitment to promoting U.S. higher education and exchange opportunities, U.S. Ambassador Scot Marciel hosted a February 4 reception to honor representatives from 24 U.S. universities visiting Indonesia to participate in the recent EducationUSA Fair.  The reception provided a forum to discuss international education with senior high school administrators, business leaders, and government officials committed to improving education in Indonesia.  The EducationUSA Fair takes place over 11 days and includes stops in Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar, and Manado.  Interested students, parents, and educators can meet directly with university representatives and determine which schools and programs best fit their academic needs.